Edit history for Rotting Christ / BDP ^ CBR ^ TRT

2025-01-28 17:55:46 dipswitch Added credit for Rotting Christ on Blister #2: Graphics (ANSI)
2024-11-02 01:52:35 dipswitch Added credit for Rotting Christ on The Acquisition (06/1996): Graphics (ANSI)
2023-08-13 14:41:10 dipswitch Added Rotting Christ as a member of Cobra
2022-04-24 02:49:37 dipswitch Added credit for Rotting Christ on Extremely Awesome Logoff (First Beta): Graphics (ANSI)
2021-12-25 01:46:43 dipswitch Added credit for Rotting Christ on Belgian Scene Report 2: Text
2021-03-11 03:31:53 dipswitch Added Rotting Christ as a member of The Revolutionary Team 2001
2020-04-12 14:35:44 menace Edited nick 'Rotting Christ': changed aliases to 'Rc'
2020-04-12 14:35:31 menace Added Rotting Christ as a member of Telepathy
2019-05-29 05:16:27 sensenstahl Added credit for Rotting Christ on Ghorka Swamp BBS (1): Graphics
2019-05-25 17:16:22 sensenstahl Added credit for Rotting Christ on Astralasia BBS: Graphics
2019-05-12 15:04:42 sensenstahl Added credit for Rotting Christ on BDP Ansi Requester: Graphics
2019-05-12 15:02:14 sensenstahl Updated Rotting Christ's credit on BDP Application Generator V1.11: Code (+ Layout), Graphics
2019-05-12 15:02:05 sensenstahl Updated Rotting Christ's credit on BDP Application Generator V1.11: Code (+ Layout)
2019-05-12 15:01:56 sensenstahl Added credit for Rotting Christ on BDP Application Generator V1.11: Code
2019-02-15 16:18:13 sensenstahl Updated Rotting Christ's credit on Doomsday + Morbid Pleazurez BBS: Graphics (Ansi #2 + #3)
2019-02-15 16:17:50 sensenstahl Added credit for Rotting Christ on Doomsday + Morbid Pleazurez BBS: Graphics (Ansi #2)
2018-01-16 14:46:54 sensenstahl Added credit for Rotting Christ on Bytemania BBS: Code
2018-01-16 14:45:56 sensenstahl Added Rotting Christ as a member of Bdp
2017-08-24 21:29:43 se7en Added credit for Rotting Christ on Fuel Pack 12: Graphics
2015-10-28 21:58:35 chojin Set location to Belgium
2015-10-28 21:53:59 chojin Added Rotting Christ as a member of Prozac