Edit history for Kirkman / B7 ^ Mist

2025-01-02 16:24:13 Kirkman Updated Kirkman's membership of Mistigris: set as current member
2025-01-02 16:24:01 Kirkman Added Kirkman as a member of Mistigris
2025-01-01 19:00:03 Kirkman Added credit for Kirkman on IGNITE01.ZIP: Code, Graphics, Text
2024-11-21 01:12:11 Kirkman Added links: https://digipres.club/@kirkman, https://github.com/Kirkman; Updated links: https://breakintochat.com, https://breakintochat.com/blog/
2019-11-03 20:02:55 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on Blocky Horror: Graphics
2019-07-30 23:13:08 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on Dark Side of the Block: Graphics
2019-05-22 14:24:26 Brittle Deleted nick 'Josh Renaud'
2019-05-22 14:24:18 Brittle Set real name
2018-10-06 23:58:03 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on B-Movies: Graphics
2018-08-20 00:03:22 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on 6710 - 10th Anniversary: Graphics
2017-12-24 23:34:42 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on B-Sides: Graphics
2017-12-08 18:14:10 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on Blocktronics Darker Image #2: Graphics
2017-05-25 19:48:41 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on Detention Block AA-23: Graphics
2017-03-01 15:49:31 se7en Added Kirkman as a member of Blocktronics
2017-01-18 16:54:55 Kirkman Set location to Ferguson, Saint Louis County, Missouri, United States
2017-01-18 16:54:32 Kirkman Added links: http://breakintochat.com, http://breakintochat.com/blog
2016-10-31 22:08:34 se7en Added credit for Kirkman on Blocktronics Blocktober: Graphics
2015-11-03 05:49:44 Cthulu Added nick 'Josh Renaud'
2015-11-03 05:49:15 Cthulu Added credit for Kirkman on MIST1015: Code