Edit history for Fangoria

2024-11-05 12:42:11 Unlock Added credit for Izeman on Future World: Code, Graphics, Text
2024-11-05 12:37:02 Unlock Added credit for Izeman on Eye of the Storm: Code
2024-11-05 12:34:03 Unlock Added credit for Izeman on Crusader Demo: Code, Graphics
2024-11-05 10:34:23 Unlock Added credit for Izeman on Hollywood Demo: Graphics, Text
2024-11-05 10:11:25 Unlock Added credit for Izeman on Teenage Frankenstein: Graphics, Text
2024-11-05 10:02:52 Unlock Added Fangoria as a member of United Style Crackers
2024-11-05 09:57:24 Unlock Added credit for Izeman on Warrior Demo: Graphics
2024-11-05 09:54:37 Unlock Updated Izeman's credit on Contact Demo: Graphics, Text
2024-11-05 09:54:23 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=14025
2024-11-05 09:54:15 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=6303
2024-11-05 09:54:10 Unlock Added nick 'Slasher'
2024-11-05 09:54:03 Unlock Added nick 'Izeman'
2024-03-03 16:46:27 psenough Added credit for Fangoria on Taking Over: Code, Graphics, Text
2024-03-03 16:42:23 psenough Added credit for Fangoria on I'm Alive: Code, Graphics, Text
2024-03-03 16:40:12 psenough Added credit for Fangoria on 1988 - The Demo: Graphics
2019-06-01 04:32:43 menace Set location to Sandvikens Kommun, Gävleborg, Sweden
2019-06-01 04:24:22 menace Added credit for Fangoria on Alloyrun 101% +: Other (crunched)
2016-12-21 15:01:10 menace Set real name
2016-12-21 15:00:43 menace Added link http://noname.c64.org/csdb/scener/?id=6302
2016-12-21 15:00:39 menace Set location to Sweden
2016-12-21 15:00:31 menace Added Fangoria as a member of Agile
2016-12-21 15:00:11 menace Added credit for Fangoria on Bionic Commandos Arcade Version 100%: Graphics (logo)