Edit history for Le Mique / Team210

2022-10-01 00:45:10 Brittle Set location to Germany
2020-11-22 00:05:53 NR4 Added credit for MIC on Autumn: Other (Suggestions)
2020-04-13 17:01:59 NR4 Deleted MIC's credit on Under Coronstruction
2020-04-11 22:04:32 100bit Added credit for MIC on Under Coronstruction: Graphics (+fonts)
2019-12-28 22:24:45 NR4 Added credit for MIC on Unsafe: Other (Font)
2019-12-02 11:32:35 100bit Updated MIC's credit on Has Not Been: Graphics (Additional GFX)
2019-12-02 06:27:10 100bit Added nick 'MIC'
2019-12-01 19:17:04 NR4 Added credit for Le Mique on Has Not Been: Graphics (Additional GFX)
2018-11-21 22:02:40 NR4 Added Le Mique as a member of Team210
2018-11-21 22:02:15 NR4 Added credit for Le Mique on Eternal Darkness: Other (Support by providing hardware)