Edit history for Randall / ESM ^ MSL

2025-01-20 06:29:31 menace Added credit for Randall on Johan Bengtson Had a Joint: Music
2024-10-24 11:30:43 menace Added credit for Hate Bush on Do Drum Machines Dream: Music
2024-08-31 20:36:01 Brittle Added credit for Randall on Cepelia: Music
2024-02-14 21:30:09 mikael_pretzellogic Added credit for Randall on Maestro Smooth: Music, Text
2023-11-15 00:41:02 psenough Added credit for Chuinho on To Norah: Text
2023-10-03 18:35:00 psenough Added credit for Randall on Primary Star 2006 Invitation: Music
2023-06-21 11:03:20 tero_risti Added credit for Randall on Ripsa: Music
2022-12-03 18:19:46 Brittle Edited nick 'Randall': set as primary nick
2022-08-15 21:36:41 menace Added credit for Smalltown Boy on North Party V7.0 Results: Text
2022-05-29 20:58:59 ericorsio Added credit for Hate Bush on Amaurote Isometric 128: Music
2022-04-13 16:15:03 ericorsio Updated Smalltown Boy's credit on Romeo: Music
2021-12-04 17:07:40 Brittle Edited nick 'Hate Bush': set as primary nick
2021-12-01 13:08:57 Brittle Added nick 'Hate Bush'
2021-07-03 21:37:39 Brittle Added credit for Chuinho on A Story with A Semi-Happy End: Code, Graphics, Music, Text
2021-05-16 06:51:59 ericorsio Added Chuinho as organiser of Je Suis #Follin
2020-11-03 15:30:43 ericorsio Added credit for Randall on Schizarrion: Music
2020-07-11 23:59:08 Mibri Added credit for Chuinho on Stay Strong, My Friend: Music
2020-03-07 11:00:48 Brittle Added nick 'Chuinho'
2019-11-18 11:05:34 Brittle Edited nick 'Vaginae Supremacy': changed name to 'Vaginae Supremacy'; set as primary nick
2019-11-07 16:29:25 Brittle Edited nick 'vaginae supremacy': changed aliases to 'vsup'
2019-11-07 16:29:16 Brittle Added nick 'vaginae supremacy'
2019-08-05 09:35:04 franky Added credit for Smalltown Boy on Jatkopoistorasiat: Music
2019-01-23 17:54:02 Brittle Added credit for Randall on Fogyish: Music
2019-01-23 17:47:42 Brittle Added credit for Randall on Biba 3: Music
2018-11-04 18:34:32 menace Added credit for Smalltown Boy on Attitude #7: Text
2018-09-14 21:27:39 Brittle Updated Randall's membership of Arise: changed group to Arise, set as ex-member
2018-09-14 21:27:14 Brittle Added Randall as a member of Elysium
2018-01-30 18:17:25 100bit Added credit for Smalltown Boy on Delysid Island: Music
2017-07-22 23:39:02 helper Added credit for Randall on Modern Love Classics: Music
2017-07-20 04:11:57 helper Added credit for Randall on 20 Years HVSC: Music
2017-07-20 04:07:46 helper Added credit for Randall on 10 Years HVSC: Music
2017-07-20 03:59:25 helper Added credit for Randall on HVSC Intro #43: Music
2017-06-25 16:39:07 100bit Added credit for Randall on High Five: Music
2014-08-30 06:24:15 menace Updated Smalltown Boy's credit on Domination 17: Music, Text (guest editor)
2014-08-29 20:27:55 menace Added credit for Smalltown Boy on Domination 17: Music
2014-08-07 19:46:35 menace Added credit for Smalltown Boy on Attitude #6: Music
2014-08-07 19:34:17 menace Updated Smalltown Boy's credit on Vandalism News #40 - Ruby Edition: Music, Text (writer)
2014-08-07 19:33:42 menace Set real name
2014-07-13 09:24:42 menace Added credit for Randall on Sweet Infection: Music
2014-06-27 07:39:46 Conrad Edited nick 'Randall': changed aliases to 'CYC'
2014-06-27 07:39:28 Conrad Edited nick 'Smalltown Boy': changed aliases to 'SBoy'
2014-06-27 07:39:08 Conrad Added nick 'Smalltown Boy'
2014-06-26 12:24:06 Conrad Added credit for Randall on Dream Travel 100%: Music
2014-02-17 19:40:38 tomaes Updated Randall's credit on Vandalism News #59: Music
2014-01-05 16:04:22 tomaes Added credit for Randall on Romeo: Music
2012-06-17 21:17:50 menace Edited notes
2012-06-14 05:28:25 menace Added credit for Randall (Other (unknown - intro)) on Vandalism News 59