Edit history for Mr. X / The FiRM

2021-03-01 06:28:29 menace Edited notes
2021-03-01 06:28:23 menace Added Mr. X as staff member of The Forbidden Passage
2019-05-30 07:16:35 menace Added credit for Mr. X on Empire: Other (original supply)
2019-05-29 21:21:47 menace Added Mr. X as a member of The FiRM
2019-05-28 19:17:33 menace Edited notes
2019-05-28 19:17:14 menace Set location to Houston, Harris County, Texas, United States
2019-05-28 19:16:53 menace Edited notes
2019-05-28 19:16:39 menace Added Mr. X as a member of Bentley Sidwell Productions