Edit history for Dr. DF0 / Acid Team

2025-02-12 20:49:49 menace Updated Dr. DF0's membership of Union: set as ex-member
2024-08-25 09:53:54 exocet Added link https://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=12491
2024-08-25 09:53:29 exocet Updated Dr. DF0's credit on Ace Plotter: Code
2024-08-25 09:52:50 exocet Edited nick 'Dr. DF0': changed name to 'Dr. DF0'; changed aliases to 'Dr DF0'
2024-08-24 22:38:55 GreyMSB Added Dr. Df0 as a member of Acid Team
2021-01-13 03:52:16 menace Set location to Poland
2021-01-13 03:29:38 menace Added credit for Dr. Df0 on Zig Zag 6: Code
2021-01-12 08:59:33 menace Added credit for Dr. Df0 on Hexadecimal Perfection: Code, Music