

2024-12-08 19:22:55 Unlock Added Gabriel as a member of Federation Against Wildcat (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:22:43 Unlock Added nick 'Verbatim' (link)
2024-12-08 19:22:27 Unlock Set location to Italy (link)
2024-12-08 19:22:21 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=2791 (link)
2024-12-08 19:22:07 Unlock Updated Zoris's credit on Woosers 3: Graphics, Text, Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:21:56 Unlock Updated Zagor's credit on Woosers 3: Graphics, Text (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:21:45 Unlock Added credit for Ximox on Woosers 3: Text (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:21:24 Unlock Added credit for Gabriel on Woosers 3: Text (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:20:50 Unlock Added credit for Zoris on Woosers 3: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:20:45 Unlock Added credit for Zagor on Woosers 3: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:20:28 Unlock Updated Entity's membership of VisualFlex Inc.: set as current member (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:20:18 Unlock Added nick 'Ray B' (link)
2024-12-08 19:19:57 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/group/?id=5016 (link)
2024-12-08 19:19:46 Unlock Added Entity as a member of VisualFlex Inc. (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:19:37 Unlock Added Entity as a member of Avatar (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:19:24 Unlock Set real name (link)
2024-12-08 19:19:05 Unlock Set location to Canada (link)
2024-12-08 19:18:59 Unlock Set location to Canda, Provincia di Rovigo, Veneto, Italy (link)
2024-12-08 19:18:56 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=16484 (link)
2024-12-08 19:18:46 Unlock Added credit for Entity on Woosers 3: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:17:17 Unlock Updated Exat's credit on Woosers 3: Graphics, Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:17:06 Unlock Added credit for Exat on Woosers 3: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:16:56 Unlock Added credit for Rob Hubbard on Woosers 3: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:16:47 Unlock Added credit for Mixer on Woosers 3: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:16:39 Unlock Added credit for JCH on Woosers 3: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:16:30 Unlock Added credit for Hithouse on Woosers 3: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:16:22 Unlock Added credit for Atoo on Woosers 3: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:16:16 Unlock Added credit for Unicorn on Woosers 3: Code (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:14:51 Unlock Added credit for Gi909 on Woosers 3: Code, Text (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:14:05 Unlock Set title to 'Woosers 3' (link)
2024-12-08 19:13:39 Unlock Added production 'Woosers III' (link)
2024-12-08 19:12:49 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2024-12-08 19:11:25 Unlock Added link https://c64.ch/productions/2041 (link)
2024-12-08 19:11:14 Unlock Added links: ftp://ftp.scs-trc.net/pub/c64/Demos/pal/t/The_Force[Australia]/Gittin_Funky.zip, ftp://c64.rulez.org/pub/c64/Demos/t/The_Force/Gittin_Funky.rar (link)
2024-12-08 19:10:39 Unlock Set release date to 1989, platform to Commodore 64 (link)
2024-12-08 19:10:29 Unlock Added tag 'pal' (link)
2024-12-08 19:10:25 Unlock Added links: https://csdb.dk/sid/?id=24522, https://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/HVSC/MUSICIANS/R/Rokling_Henning/Ode_to_Jeroen.sid (link)
2024-12-08 19:10:10 Unlock Edited soundtrack details for Gittin' Funky (link)
2024-12-08 19:09:48 Unlock Added credit for Johannes Bjerregaard on Gittin' Funky: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:09:41 Unlock Added credit for Henning Rokling on Gittin' Funky: Music (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:09:33 Unlock Added credit for Ziggy on Gittin' Funky: Code, Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-12-08 19:09:21 Unlock Added tag 'one-file-demo' (link)
2024-12-08 19:09:15 Unlock Added production 'Gittin' Funky' (link)
2024-12-08 19:08:20 Unlock Added links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iM_w2UM-350, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBtMLhhojKU (link)
2024-12-08 19:07:38 Unlock Added 3 screenshots (link)
2024-12-08 19:07:08 Unlock Set title to 'Disastrous - Destructive II' (link)
2024-12-08 19:06:58 Unlock Edited notes (link)
2024-12-08 19:06:12 Unlock Added links: ftp://ftp.scs-trc.net/pub/c64/Demos/pal/t/The_Force[Israel]/Disastrous.zip, ftp://c64.rulez.org/pub/c64/Demos/t/The_Force/Disastrous_-_Destructive_II.rar (link)
2024-12-08 19:05:39 Unlock Added tag 'one-file-demo' (link)
2024-12-08 19:05:29 Unlock Set author to 'Guy Shavitt / Sidchip Scratchers', release date to 1989, platform to Commodore 64 (link)