

2024-10-01 01:01:31 minerbrandon Added production 'Dust of Eternity' (link)
2024-06-11 08:56:29 minerbrandon Added link https://amp.dascene.net/detail.php?view=19055 (link)
2023-12-22 21:39:18 minerbrandon Added production 'Are Wet Waffles Cool Then?' (link)
2023-12-22 21:39:09 minerbrandon Added production 'Are Wet Waffles Cool Then?'
2023-11-14 23:26:26 minerbrandon Added production 'Smarter Finds the Bass' (link)
2023-11-14 23:25:45 minerbrandon Added production 'I don't I write a melody..' (link)
2023-11-14 23:24:54 minerbrandon Set type to Tracked Music (link)
2023-11-14 23:24:16 minerbrandon Added production 'Diced Unspheres' (link)
2023-11-14 23:22:27 minerbrandon Added production 'Dogdie' (link)
2022-07-12 01:46:11 minerbrandon Set platform to none (link)