

2013-01-14 09:41:47 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:41:11 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:40:38 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:40:17 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #09 - plejades: Other (Compilation), Music (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:39:41 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:39:00 ltk_tscc Updated dynaCore's credit on Eine Gruppe junger Konservativer von Sirius B: Graphics, Code (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:38:49 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:36:19 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:35:50 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #08 - fluktuation 8: Other (Compilation), Music (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:35:09 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:34:21 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:33:27 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:33:16 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #07 - da sirius lab remix cd: Music, Other (Scrolltext, Compilation) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:32:52 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #06: Music, Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:31:53 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #05: Music, Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:30:43 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #04: Music, Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:30:25 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #03: Music, Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext), Graphics (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:30:07 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #02: Music, Other (compilation, scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:29:42 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #01: Music, Other (compilation, scrolltext), Graphics (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:28:46 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:28:27 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #06: Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:27:53 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:27:45 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #05: Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:26:59 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:26:43 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #04: Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext) (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:25:33 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:24:58 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:24:16 ltk_tscc Added screenshot (link)
2013-01-14 09:23:37 ltk_tscc Deleted Mad Max's credit on mod compile #03 (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:23:23 ltk_tscc Added credit for Mad Max on mod compile #03: Music (link) (link2)
2013-01-14 09:22:29 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #03: Other (Compilation), Other (Scrolltext), Graphics (link) (link2)
2012-11-29 17:51:07 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #07 - da sirius lab remix cd: Other (Scrolltext, Compilation) (link) (link2)
2012-11-06 18:14:24 ltk_tscc Added link (link)
2012-11-04 20:25:59 ltk_tscc Set title to 'mod compile #01' (link)
2012-11-04 20:25:10 ltk_tscc Set release date to 30 March 2005 (link)
2012-11-04 20:24:25 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for beams (link)
2012-11-04 20:23:52 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for beams (link)
2012-11-04 20:23:35 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for beams (link)
2012-11-04 20:11:39 ltk_tscc Set release date to 30 March 2005 (link)
2012-11-04 20:10:06 ltk_tscc Edited soundtrack details for beams (link)
2012-11-04 19:49:47 ltk_tscc Added nick 'Master of dynamite' (link)
2012-11-04 19:44:28 ltk_tscc Set platform to Atari Falcon (link)
2012-11-04 19:44:08 ltk_tscc Set platform to Atari Falcon (link)
2012-11-04 19:43:28 ltk_tscc Set author to 'SCY / .tSCc.', platform to Atari Falcon (link)
2012-11-04 19:42:01 ltk_tscc Set author to 'MC Laser / .tSCc.' (link)
2012-11-04 19:41:40 ltk_tscc Set platform to Atari ST/E (link)
2012-11-04 19:40:52 ltk_tscc Set author to 'MC Laser / .tSCc.' (link)
2012-11-04 19:38:32 ltk_tscc Edited nick 'MC Laser': changed name to 'MC Laser'
2012-11-04 19:38:18 ltk_tscc Edited nick 'M.C. Laser': changed name to 'M.C. Laser'
2012-10-13 08:55:27 ltk_tscc Updated Lotek Style's credit on mod compile #02: Other (Scrolltext), Other (Compilation) (link) (link2)