

Fram a 1999 grab of their website, "BEAM was founded early Winter 1996 by Cubik / BEAM, who with his very experimental and professional productions quickly fetched more interested members. Everything looked very promising, and we continously got applications for membership. Then suddenly Cubik lost his PC, and time would show that he didn't get it back in 4-5 months! Hybris had to take over as main organiser while he was away, and BEAM slowly grew to that it is today. Now Cubik is back with again, and at the moment we have ten members and 12 quality releases distributed world-wide through the internet. You can find the releases online on this WWW."


BBS affiliations

Productions (1)

MS-Dos - Intro
Beam Mar 1997

Member productions (56)

Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam Jul 1998
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Jun 1998
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal ^ Phase Distortion Apr 1998
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration Mar 1998
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration Nov 1997
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration ^ Nothing ^ Shadow Oct 1997
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration ^ Shadow Oct 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Sep 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Sep 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Sep 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Sep 1997
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ Introspective ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration ^ Nothing ^ Shadow Sep 1997
Tracked Music
D-Rud / Beam Aug 1997
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Jul 1997
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Jul 1997
Jets / Beam Jul 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf and Smash / Beam Jul 1997
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ Introspective ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration ^ Shadow Jul 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Jul 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Jul 1997
Pothead Pixie / Beam ^ Sense Jul 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Phase Distortion May 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal May 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Mar 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Ignorance ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Feb 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Feb 1997
Tracked Music
Pothead Pixie / Beam Feb 1997
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Ignorance ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Jan 1997
Tracked Music
Pothead Pixie / Beam Jan 1997
Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam 1997
Tracked Music
Smash / Beam ^ Introspective ^ New Objectives In Sound Exploration ^ Nothing 1997
Tracked Music
Jets / Beam Dec 1996
MS-Dos - Streaming Music
Cubik / Beam Dec 1996
MS-Dos - Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Dec 1996
Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Dec 1996
Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Dec 1996
Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Dec 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Ignorance ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Dec 1996
Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Dec 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Ignorance ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Nov 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Ignorance ^ Nocturnal ^ bABE Oct 1996
Tracked Music
Pothead / Beam Oct 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Oct 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Sep 1996
Tracked Music
Pothead Pixie / Beam Sep 1996
Tracked Music
Pothead Pixie / Beam Aug 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Aug 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf and Vegard! / Beam ^ Nocturnal Aug 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam Aug 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Aug 1996
Tracked Music
Lone Wolf / Beam ^ Nocturnal Aug 1996
Tracked Music
Pothead Pixie / Beam May 1996
Tracked Music
Pothead Pixie / Beam May 1996
Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Apr 1996
MS-Dos - Tracked Music
Cubik / Beam Apr 1996

Last edited on 25 Jul 2022 by hyperunknown. See all edits