Held by X-Men, Deathstar, Overload and Phalanx at Vuorikatu high school in Lahti, Finland. The party was originally scheduled to be held a few weeks earlier, but was postponed. Entrance was 30 FIM.
The party was dispersed by the police on the orders of the headmasters, who objected the sceners' beer-drinking in the building. Smoker reported it as such; "THERE WERE 'SOME PROBLEMS'... ... LIKE A MAD HEADMASTER (PEKKA TENHUNEN VITUN RUNKKU UKKO! HAISTA VITTU ) HE THREW ALL OF US OUT, BECAUSE OF SOME DRUNKEN PEOPLE, NOISE AND A BROKEN BEER-BOTTLE ON THE FLOOR. WHEN WE ALL PROTESTED AGAINST HIS CRAZY DECISION (PEOPLE AT THE PARTY WERE ALL OVER THE FINLAND AND THEY HAD NO PLACE TO GO)ALL HE SAID WAS 'IT IS NOT MY BUSINESS!'. AND THIS ALL HAPPENED AT 20.30, WHEN WE HAD SPENT ABOUT 2-3 HOURS AT THE PARTYPLACE! AND EVEN MORE PEOPLE WAS GOING TO COME ON THE NEXT DAY FROM FINLAND AND OTHER COUNTRIES..." Lahti Party Demo reported, "we arrived the lahti about 5.00 pm. at friday.at the bus station we met beyond force.we carried our stocks to the old school and placed ourselves there.about 1.5 hours later a man (or a thing) appeared...and the troubles were here...he became to preach about booze and drinks and our behaviour..his name is : pekka tenhonen and again : pekka tenhonen...kick him to the bollocks !!!!he said that if we wont take all the alcoholic drinks and empty bottles out,the party will stop right there.we all removed all bottles and the man was satisfacted,i think...he wandered around about 45 minutes and was just about to leave,when someone threw a empty beerbottle to the indoor staircase..and that was enough to pekka ... he announced from the centralradio : all part takers of this amiga happening,all part takers of this amiga meeting...i gave you 45 minutes to clean up your behaviouring and watch the others too..but it seems that you cant handle the situation here..so i have no choice..this happening is over !!!! by 21.00 pm this place must be cleaned up and empty..if somebody has something to ask,i am at the door of the masters room... nobody was about to believe it. after the first moments of confusion,everybody crushed to the door of the masters room.when we came there,there was a long line in the front of the assholedickbrainshitpantpekka...half of the people shouted some bad words about pekka .. even we tried to talk sense with our fists and kicks,pekka was muleheaded..if somebody wants to sleep at the school,the realnames must be given and all must sleep at the conference room..and computers must not be turned on !! only activited they allowed,was sleeping...hall was full of people and the order was below zero...so the peabrainpekka had called the police...so the police joined our great party too...the memory of amiga wont be enough to bark pekka thelame shiteater dicklicker asskisser motherfucker mousesucker holearse narrowmind doublebastard cocksucker plasmabrain son of the bitch fatherlover animalraper metalball".
This was the first of two parties in Lahti this year, the next one in november.
Party reports in Smasher #4 (april 1989) and Cracker Journal 14 (may 1989).
Last edited on 10 Aug 2023 by tero_risti. See all edits
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