Hi guys, is it possible to add the Atari Portfolio as its own platform?
It'd would be greatle appreciated.
Hi guys, is it possible to add the Atari Portfolio as its own platform?
It'd would be greatle appreciated.
+1 here. Also a search by category/platform on the main page would be a nice feature to have
Please see https://demozoo.org/forums/23/ and in particular the first post there.
The platform currently doesn't qualify as there are only 4 prods.
And you can search by platform here: https://demozoo.org/productions/ or by using our advanced search terms like for instance: "desert dream platform:amiga". Do any search, and click on "advanced search help" on the results page for some instructions.
Thanks for the explanation. I guess Ill have to release a portfolio prod then ;)
Better do two, to be on the safe side. ;)
Bump! Five now, and I'll do another one later this year. So yeah menace's doing 2 :).
Six now!
10 now!
Can add. Can you give us a paragraph describing the platform and a photo (similar to what other platform pages have) though?
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