Background story: The very last issue of ZZAP!64 no. 90 featured two ripping reader games on the ZZAP! Mega Tape #37 – “Frenzy” and Pretzel Logic’s shmup “Breakdown”. The game was coded by Rico with graphics by Jonas, released 1992.
A new, Reloaded, version of the Commodore 64 game will see the light of day in the future. This Multicolor image (320x200) by Mikael is a visualization of the planet Dualunaris that Cpt Jones need to visit – taking on enemies sent by the evil organization Gamma 693 and fight his way to the nuclear reactor and restore the order of the Breakdown universe.
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Background story: The very last issue of ZZAP!64 no. 90 featured two ripping reader games on the ZZAP! Mega Tape #37 – “Frenzy” and Pretzel Logic’s shmup “Breakdown”. The game was coded by Rico with graphics by Jonas, released 1992.
A new, Reloaded, version of the Commodore 64 game will see the light of day in the future. This Multicolor image (320x200) by Mikael is a visualization of the planet Dualunaris that Cpt Jones need to visit – taking on enemies sent by the evil organization Gamma 693 and fight his way to the nuclear reactor and restore the order of the Breakdown universe.