Edit history for Thousand Points of Light by Lukasz Bogusz

2022-10-03 15:36:56 gasman Protected production 'Thousand Points of Light'
2022-10-03 15:36:52 gasman Set title to 'Thousand Points of Light'
2022-10-03 14:08:55 menace Added info file
2022-10-03 14:08:48 menace Added screenshot
2022-09-22 18:40:31 LukaszBogusz Set title to 'Free City of Danzig'
2022-09-22 18:34:51 LukaszBogusz Set title to 'Slaves from Planet Earth'
2022-09-19 15:08:17 Saga_Musix Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2022/nordlicht22/photo/lukasz_bogusz_-_thousand_points_of_light.zip
2022-09-18 00:04:46 Saga_Musix Updated competition placing info for Thousand Points of Light in Nordlicht 2022 Photo competition
2022-09-18 00:04:43 Saga_Musix Updated competition placing info for Thousand Points of Light in Nordlicht 2022 Photo competition
2022-09-15 21:20:26 gasman Updated competition placing info for Thousand Points of Light in Nordlicht 2022 Photo competition
2022-09-15 21:20:22 gasman Added competition placing for Thousand Points of Light in Nordlicht 2022 Photo competition