


Also known as

  • Crimson Couriering

Crimson was a couriering group.

"Bloody fast couriers!
Couriers so quick, They'll make your blood curdle

An nfo from october 1993 listed Ben Jammin, Panama Jack, Disk Killer, Dorian Hawkmoon, Snake (senior staff), Nivek Ogre, Slum Dweller, Digital Fuhrer, Bubba, Hooptie, Dr. Rat, Reeper, Visionary (members), The Cool One (senior courier), Bad Influence, Dead Silence, Factory, Fireball, Frank Borally, Gray Death, Judoman, Lord Cyric , Marauder, Mighty Wiz, North Wind, Rath, Sonic, White Viper (courier team). Another courier nfo dated 10.16.93 (october 16th 1993) wrote, "CRiMSON Welcomes The New Courier HeadQuarters And Couriers MadMax, Game Master, Deadend, 96 Faces, Subliminal Distortion, Exile, and Bigboy to the group."

Productions (0)

Last edited on 7 Mar 2023 by ipggi. See all edits