
Vendetta Productions

- VP, Vendetta, Vendetta Prod.

Utility Disk V1.0 (16 march 1991) wrote "Project Proteus Inc. is dead! Vendetta has been born!" and went on to list Demax, New Style, Coteidix, Khan Narbi, Cool McDude and Heino The Lucky Fox as members.

Productions (5)

Amiga OCS/ECS - Pack
Vendetta Productions 1992
Amiga OCS/ECS - Intro
Vendetta Productions Dec 1991
Amiga OCS/ECS - Pack
Vendetta Productions Mar 1991
Amiga OCS/ECS - Pack
Vendetta Productions 1991
Amiga OCS/ECS - Musicdisk
Vendetta Productions 1991

Last edited on 5 Jan 2023 by menace. See all edits