
by Xerxes / Brainstorm

  • Released 14 January 2007



From Chillosophy 2; "amused (1:43) - Axel: a very pretty, uplifting tune, like bubbles in a glass of champagne, or farts in a bathtub. No seriously, this is such a wonderful tune. I see colours (no, not because my drinks), and raylights, flowers on a meadow, colourful fish swimming in swarms, stuff like that. Also slightly reminds me of the unterwater levels in Turrican and Donkey Kong Country. Wheee... what a happy tune. Can I order some more of those? xerxes: are you not amused? Axel: Yeah actually I'm amused by several things, for example by the fact that Serpent has too much of a hangover right now to write any scrolltext."

Last edited on 20 May 2024 by menace. See all edits