Sit Down

by Xerxes / Brainstorm

  • Released 14 January 2007



From Chillosophy 2; "sit down (4:48) - Xerxes: one of the longest songs in the pack. you may want to sit down. Axel: (sitting down) .... well, I am sitting now, but I have to tap my foot to the beat, is that okay? Prm: Just shut the fuck up and write. Axel: Alright, sounds like a deal. Nice beat, nice flow. I'll buy you a drink at Breakpoint for this track, Xerxes. Just kidding, I'll you two. And a currywurst. And I'm sure Sir Garbagetruck will buy you a Kebab too, right? Hmmm I see, this is probably where the whole "nurturing new talents" term is coming from. To buy new folks a currywurst at Breakpoint. Are you hearing us, imbusy? :)"

Last edited on 20 May 2024 by menace. See all edits