Complete results and files from Revision 2018 are available!

03 Apr 2018

The world's biggest demoparty just closed its doors and provided us with a ton of high quality releases for all platforms. Have a look below, there should be enough to keep you entertained for a while :)

Revision 2018 on Demozoo
Revision 2018 on

64klang2 publicly released

01 Apr 2018

The softsynth that has been used in so many intros and executable music entries has been open sourced and released to the public as part of the ongoing celebration of the 30th anniversary of demogroup Alcatraz! Let's hope this empowers even more intro music in the future \o/

64klang2 on GitHub

Suddenly, a wild Revision files appear

01 Apr 2018

After some technical issues initially, the first batch of files from the (still ongoing) competitions at Revision have now hit - so it's time to deep dive in and start getting some links up and shit! :)=

Revision 2018 on

The Gathering results - and files!

01 Apr 2018

While a lot of attention lies towards Germany at Easter, it's easy to forget that in Norway a different event is taking place simultaneously. While in recent years its releases have perhaps been overshadowed by those happening at Revision, The Gathering has been a breeding ground for some of the next generation creative demosceners for years and years. Several Meteoriks nominations this year went to people who took demoscene boot camp at The Gathering. The results from this years' edition is now out on Demozoo, and we hope to have some files and stuff to go along with that in not too long!

Thanks to zokum for super service in getting the results out! <3

EDIT: And thanks to some more super helpful organizers, all files are also now available on

The Gathering 2018 on Demozoo
The Gathering 2018 on

The BAM Archive

30 Mar 2018

Hot on the heels of the recovery of the Bamiga Sector One Amiga floppy disks earlier this year, comes the news that RBBS has managed to recover their C64 disks as well. They have dumped them all, and made them available on their website.

Please note that these are raw, unsorted, dumps and are not sorted in any way shape or form, so going through them will hopefully be a fun treasure hunt for those so inclined.

More information at: The BAM Archive

Meteoriks winners!

30 Mar 2018

Dojoe and Alkama presented the Meteoriks awards for 2018, and did a splendid job. These were the winners this year!

New Talent - 068A by Monad.
Best Soundtrack - Geometry Gods by Jugz.
Best Small High-End Intro - Waillee by Prismbeings.
Best Visuals - Sokia by CNCD and Fairlight.
Best Low-End Production - Overdrive II by Titan.
Best High-End 64k Intro - Engage by Logicoma.
Outstanding Technical Achievement - Overdrive II by Titan.
Best High-End Demo - Hold On by Holon.
Best Direction - Guberniya by Macau Exports.

Forever 2018's results and files are available

27 Mar 2018

With 19 years of uninterrupted activity, Forever is arguably the longest-running multiplatform 8-bit demoparty in the world. The 2018 edition took place earlier this month and this time again it didn't disappoint. Click below for some quality 8-bit action!

Forever 2018 on Demozoo
Forever 2018 on

Fjälldata's data now up to date

19 Mar 2018

Is there a better way to start a new week than with a bunch of nice C64 releases from a new demoparty in Sweden? Probably not. Now spend the rest of the week pondering how the little bread bin has managed to pique people's interest for so long.

Fjälldata 2018 on Demozoo
Fjälldata 2018 on

Instanssi 2018: results and files now available

14 Mar 2018

Instanssi 2018 took place earlier this month in Finland. The releases have been made available a bit chaotically but it seems we now have most of them!

Instanssi 2018 on Demozoo
Instanssi 2018 on

BCC Party 2018 results and files

05 Mar 2018

It's taking place in Berlin every year, it's dedicated to the C64, it happened on 23rd to 25th February, it's the BCC Party! Click below and enjoy the releases.

BCC Party 2018 on Demozoo