Solskogen gets nerdy about oldschool video signals!

20 May 2018

The fine people that arrange Solskogen are trying to further improve the conditions for oldschool platforms at their party this summer, and to that effect just published a supremely nerdy blog entry about just how they're going to achieve that.

Also, Solskogen has tickets out. Sun guaranteed. Bleep bloop.

The Sounds of SceneSat

20 May 2018

After the release of the massive Sound of SceneSat Volume 4 last night, we had a good look at the previous editions and found they were not in the best shape - credits missing, tunes not given proper dates... so we put on a fresh pot of coffee this morning, and got stuff somewhat in order. Now, our hope is that everyone who has a few minutes will get busy - populate those music entries with comments, cover art, download links, youtube videos, you name it. Let's make these collections shine - god knows the guys at SceneSat deserve a first rate coverage right here. Go, team!

Sound of SceneSat Volume 1
Sound of SceneSat Volume 2
Sound of SceneSat Volume 3
Sound of SceneSat Volume 4

...and once you're done with all that, don't forget to offer up a few euros for the latest (or any of the older ones) SoS over on Bandcamp. We'll never cover the cost they have taken on to make all this music, but we can at least start giving back a little - so, "pay what you want" - but show them some appreciation.

Evoke 2018 website has launched!

19 May 2018

You can now read all about the next edition of the quite awesome German extravaganza that is Evoke!

Evoke 2018 website

Don't know about Evoke you say? Well, it's one of the larger demo parties, held every year since 1997 in the beautiful city of Cologne. You can click through to the party series overview on Demozoo, to have a look at the releases from previous editions, while you start shopping for flights. :)

Birdie 2018 results and releases are available!

18 May 2018

Last but not least in that marathon weekend of demoscene activity, releases from Birdie are in! Birdie is not as renowned as some other shinier demoparties, but it's been running for 25 years and has given many Swedish LAN goers a glimpse of what the demoscene is about.

Birdie 2018 on Demozoo
Birdie 2018 on

You'd never imagine what got released at QBParty 2018

16 May 2018

More output from that busy demoscene weekend: the results and all the files from Hungary's very own QBParty 2018 are now available right here.

QBParty 2018 on Demozoo
QBParty 2018 on

Releases and results from Outline 2018? Right here, my good friend.

15 May 2018

Holland's longest running annual demoscene event, Outline, just closed its doors a few days ago and all the releases (bare one that needs a bit of polishing before being released into the wild) are now available on Demozoo. As usual, there's a good mix of productions for Atari and other platforms - older or newer!

Outline 2018 on Demozoo
Outline 2018 on

Three parties this weekend!

12 May 2018

Summer is here in full force, and this weekend is host to no less than three parties in three countries. Rejoice! Hopefully we can let you know where you can follow the action if you're not at either event, and we hope our party pages will fill up nicely with compos and releases and info as the weekend progresses.

Outline 2018 on Demozoo
Outline Homepage
Outline Pouët thread

Birdie 2018 on Demozoo
Birdie homepage
Birdie 2018 on

QBParty 2018 on Demozoo
QBParty homepage
QBParty 2018 on
QBParty Pouët thread

Multimatograf 2018: results and releases are here!

05 May 2018

Multimatograf was held in the middle of a forest in Russia last weekend and the good old ZX Spectrum was shown a lot of love again, just a couple of weeks after the party. Click below to browse all the releases.

Multimatograf 2018 on Demozoo
Multimatograf 2018 on 2018 results and files available now!

30 Apr 2018

The big Polish ZX Spectrum demoparty/retrogaming event took place in the middle of this month in Warsaw and all the releases are now downloadable from Demozoo. As an added bonus the entries from the music competition will be playable in your browser shortly! 2018 on Demozoo 2018 on

Starstruck finally final!

11 Apr 2018

In an example to follow for others, TBL have gone back and fixed problems with their 2006 release Starstruck and released a final - after some 12 years. We'll hand the word over to the creators;

"The original demo was released at Assembly 2006, where it won the PC demo competition (the demo was run in WinUAE). Some time later MiKRO / Mystic Bytes ported the demo to the Atari Falcon. Thanks, old chap! We fixed a number of visual glitches and made some overall performance improvements as part of the porting effort. Most of these changes were brought back to the Amiga codebase as well, but we never released a final version for Amiga.

... that is, until now. Before Revision 2018 people had begun asking what happened to the Amiga version, and a jolly Britelite / Dekadence convinced Kalms that it was time to revisit Starstruck. The sourcecode was lying around in Dropbox. It took a bit of tidying up and taking care of loose ends. Here is the result. 12 years is not exactly quick, but yes, this is the final version. We hope you enjoy it!

Kalms & Emoon / TBL


Hardware requirements:

Chipset: AGA Amiga
CPU: 68060 @ 50MHz or faster
RAM: ~50MB fastram, 2MB chipram
Display: 15kHz PAL monitor"

Starstruck on Demozoo
Starstruck final on