Nordlicht double feature!

24 Jul 2018

Nordlicht was held this weekend, and files and results are now available. In a surprising turn of events, that is also the case of the entries from last year's entry, where most entries were thought lost until organizers booted their compo machine to find the files happily sitting where they were last seen. :) So, without further ado, start digging in.

Nordlicht 2018 on Demozoo / on
Nordlicht 2017 on Demozoo / on

Nordlicht and Edison streams!

21 Jul 2018

Sorry for the late heads-up, but two very notable parties in Germany and Sweden are streaming their saturday compos this evening - so head over to our friends at SceneSat for both those streams!

And get inspired to go next year. Because, seriosuly. Demoparties.

New search engine \o/

18 Jul 2018

Good news for anyone who's had to sift through a pile of vaguely-related search results to find the thing they were looking for! Demozoo's search feature has had a major revamp - we've switched away from Djapian as the backend in favour of PostgreSQL's full text search, which gives us vastly improved control over search result rankings and filtering options.

You'll now see more relevant results in your searches - with exact title matches taking priority over items that match a word mid-title, for example. For extra control you can restrict your search to a particular category: just sceners, or music, or parties. The new search is equipped with powerful filtering capabilities that go way beyond that, though - open up the "Advanced search help" panel on the search results page and you'll find options for filtering on platform, production type, tags, groups and more. Want to search for a C64 cracktro by Fairlight from 1990? Now you can!

My Summer Party!

16 Jul 2018

Thanks to our tireless user 100bit, we now have full results and releases from the Accession and Byterapers bash from a few days ago, My Summer Party, out!

My Summer Party 2018 on Demozoo
My Summer Party 2018 on

The sun shined on Solskogen

16 Jul 2018

Solskogen. Just taste that name. It's Norwegian for Sun Forest, and it really had both in spades - as usual. And more than that, it produced some really really kickass releases, that are now all downloadable and ready to be enjoyed in the homes of demosceners everywhere. It's quite a thing. :)

As a bonus, one of the visitors put together a small video of his impressions of the event, which really perfectly captures the what a weekend at Solskogen is really like - check his tweet for the video!

Solskogen 2018 on Demozoo
Solskogen 2018 on

The many colors of the Spectrum: DiHalt!

10 Jul 2018

Now, the title does not really do the Russian party DiHalt justice - yes, it's definitely a meeting point for the ZX Spectrum scene, but it's so much more - from high end to other oldskool platforms, there is always some top notch releases from this party! Thanks to the efforts of one of our trusty users, 100bit (cheers, sir!) you can now enjoy the glory of this year's recent edition right here. Lots of <3 - and do go check out the earlier editions too, we're not kidding when we say it always brings some great releases!

DiHalt 2018 on Demozoo

All about Reset 2018, right here, right now

09 Jul 2018

Are you based in France, strongly interested in the CPC demoscene and were you available between the 29th June and 1st July this year? Then the probability is pretty high you were attending Reset 2018. If not, everything is on Demozoo now, full results and releases.

Reset 2018 on Demozoo
Reset 2018 on


08 Jul 2018

That Atari illuminati gathered down in Sweden for Sommarhack - as they do every summer - and they gracefully granted the world some tokens of appreciation. Results and files are heeeeere;

Sommarhack 2018 on Demozoo
Sommarhack 2018 on

Party weekend!

07 Jul 2018

Another weekend is upon us, filled to the brim with demo goodness - with three events taking place, in Sweden, Finland and in Russia. We'll provide all the relevant links below, where you can see the releases and other info fill out as the weekend progresses, hopefully. Plus, you know, that 80,000 productions that we're going to hit sometime this weekend :) So, let's go then!

Sommarhack 2018
My Summer Party 2018
DiHalt 2018 (video stream on SceneSat)

As far as we've been able to determine, DiHalt is the only party this evening that is streaming.


07 Jul 2018

Our friends over in Poland recently held the pretty great Decrunch party, and as such there is naturally some releases and some results and things available. You'll probably want to get on that, right now.

Decrunch 2018 on Demozoo
Decrunch 2018 on