Syntax 2022 results and releases!

14 Dec 2022

Syntax, arguably the biggest and longest-going (16 years and counting!) demoparty in the Southern hemisphere, took place in Melbourne on 12-13th November. The results and releases are now in.

Syntax 2022 on Demozoo /

The Nano Awards 2023 - now open for recommendations

02 Dec 2022

To celebrate the best tiny intro productions, we'll be awarding the top productions of 2022 on February 10th, 2023 at the Lovebyte 2023 Demoparty.
And the best thing is you will be able to recommend tiny intro productions right here on Demozoo from December 1st 2022 until January 1st 2023.

To make your life easier, We've aggregated all tiny intros from 8 bytes up to 1024 bytes released in 2022 into the following 3 categories:

Log in to Demozoo (using your SceneID or Demozoo account) to start making recommendations.

Demosplash 2022: results and releases

30 Nov 2022

Demosplash is one of the largest and longest-running demoparties in North America and the latest edition took place on 18-19 November in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. All releases are now ready for your perusal.

Demosplash 2022 on Demozoo /

Releases and results for Mysdata 2022

29 Nov 2022

Mysdata, a new C64 + Amiga event organised by Censor Design, Fairlight and Genesis Project in the spirit of Gubbdata, took place in Karlskrona, Sweden on 18-20 November. The results and releases are now in.

Mysdata 2022 on Demozoo /

Results and releases from Inércia Demoparty 2022

15 Nov 2022

Inércia took place on 4-6 November in Lisbon, Portugal. All results and releases are now available.

Inércia Demoparty 2022 on Demozoo /

Zoo 2022: results and releases

06 Nov 2022

Zoo 2022 took place in Finland on 28-30 October and saw around 225 visitors at the party place, plus around 3,000 stream viewers. Zoo is a C64-only event so expect the vast majority of the 158 releases to be specific to that platform!

Zoo 2022 on Demozoo /

Results and releases for CAFe 2022

02 Nov 2022

The popular Russian event took place in Kazan on 21-23 October and this time again saw a flurry of high-quality releases. Most of the love was reserved for the ZX Spectrum, but other platforms old and new also got their share of attention.

CAFe 2022 on Demozoo /

Everything you never dared to ask about TRSAC 2022

31 Oct 2022

The latest edition of the long-running Danish event took place on 21-23 October in Århus and offered some unusual competitions like the recurring and ever-popular "Live Acid Music Compo". All results and releases are now available.

TRSAC 2022 on Demozoo /

Decrunch 2022: results and releases

30 Oct 2022

The 7th edition of Decrunch, "the event that combines the spirit of demoscene with retro computing and gaming", took place in Wroclaw, Poland on 21-23 October. The results and releases are now in and are very-much Amiga focussed.

Decrunch 2022 on Demozoo /

ATASCII Compo 2: Results & Releases

22 Oct 2022

The 2nd edition of the ATASCII compo took place this month showing again the creativity one can put into 40x25. Have a look and enjoy!

ATASCII Compo 2 on Demozoo /