QBParty 2023: results and releases

01 Jun 2023

The latest edition of QBParty took place on 13th-14th May in Pest, Hungary. The results and releases are now available.

QBParty 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

Outline 2023: results and releases

24 May 2023

Outline took place on 18th to 21st May in Holland. Most releases are now available to download (photo competition entries still MIA) and cover a wide range of oldschool and newschool platforms.

Outline 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

68k Inside: results and releases

22 May 2023

68k Inside, a new event presenting itself as "a celebration of the Motorola 68000 CPU and its derivatives" took place from 5th to 7th May in Hämeenlinna, Finland. Releases were made for Amiga, Atari ST, and Sinclair QL.

68K Inside on Demozoo / scene.org

BCC Party 2023: results and releases

11 May 2023

This year's BCC took place in Berlin on 28th to 30th April and was as usual strictly a C64 event.

BCC Party 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

Revision 2023: results and releases

11 Apr 2023

Revision took place last weekend in its usual Saarbrücken E-werk home turf and managed once again to deliver against the very high expectations, whether it's for oldschool platforms or modern ones (41 PC demos!).

Revision 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

Forever 2023: results and releases!

29 Mar 2023

The long-running 8 bit demoparty Forever took place once again on 17-19 March in Slovakia. As usual, many fans of Atari 8 bit, C64, ZX Spectrum, and other 8 bit machines battled figuratively to showcase the technical and artistic prowesses of their favourite rudimentary computer, to great success! The organisers always pick a specific theme for each edition and the one for 2023 was "robot".

Forever 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

Instanssi 2023: results and releases

27 Mar 2023

Instanssi took place in Jyväskylä, Finland on 2nd to 5th March 2023. It was a beginner-friendly event that anyone interested in digital culture could visit and enjoy. Instanssi offered workshops, presentations, and a friendly creative environment.

Instanssi 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

MountainBytes 2023: results and releases

24 Mar 2023

MountainBytes is a Swiss demoparty that took place from February 24th to 26th in Cham, Switzerland after a three-year phase of involuntary delays due to Covid. The event was aimed at anyone interested in digital art, old and new hardware, or looking for a good time in a creative, technology-focused community.

MountainBytes 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

Fjälldata 2023: results and releases

06 Mar 2023

The latest edition of Fjälldata was organised by Genesis Project and Triad and took place in Östersund, Sweden on 10-12 February. As the previous editions, it was pretty much a C64-only event. Results and releases are now available.

Fjälldata 2023 on Demozoo / scene.org

Lovebyte 2o23: results & releases

17 Feb 2023

The online demoparty dedicated to sizecoding took place from february 10th - 12th. Over 300 intros got released ranging from 1k down to 8 bytes covering multiple platforms. All the releases by newcomers, sceners and veterans are only a few clicks away for you to enjoy:

Lovebyte 2o23 on Demozoo / scene.org