We added the results from TDF when they became available this morning, but held off on a news post since we expected files were right behind it. Since nothing has appeared on the scene.org servers (or anywhere else) thus far, we're going ahead with that announced now, and we'll be back when the full set of files are out :)
edit: Files are out, and fully matched on Demozoo - go make some screenshots!
The second of the two parties this weekend also has made files available, which we have now made available on scene.org. Get cracking!
Observant browsers may have noticed that in the last week or so, certain productions had Play buttons on top of them, and clicking those buttons would pop up a video window where you could quite simply watch the video of that production. We're not entirely done with tweaking the implementation, but we felt it was timely to let you know now, so we can have a little feedback on how it works. We currently support YouTube and Vimeo. Feel free to add videos to any productions that you want to see that Play button on.
Now, some caveats;
Adding a YouTube or Vimeo link does not currently mean you automatically get the play button, it gets added as part of a periodically run script that adds any new links. We're working on that.
There is currently no intelligent matching for prods with multiple video links, to present the "best" one. We're exploring a few options for that.
Other than that, we'd love to hear from our users how you like the feature, and any bugs you may find. I'll add a forum post where you can post your feedback.
Have a great sunday, all :)
Files are now in from SynchroNY in New York this weekend - no results yet, though. We'll keep you posted on that front as we hear more :)
Files are now up on scene.org
Demozoo party page
The files from Under Construction are now available over on scene.org, all ready for your extensive screenshotting and documentation efforts :) Have fun!
As has become the custom, the first invitation for next years' Revision - the biggest, baddest demoparty around - arrived at the German christmas party. With no further ado, go check out the site and the demo, and start planning your trip to Saarbrooklyn this coming easter. w00t w00t! :)
Revision homepage
Demozoo production page (youtube and download available now)
News reached us today of the closing of renowned Amstrad CPC demoscene site Push'n'Pop. Apparently the site suffered a server failure, and no data was salvageable after the crash. Visitors to any section of the site today are faced with a message that ends; "Despite all our efforts to restore it, the whole website is definitively lost. Now the Push'n'Pop team invites you to close your browser and to switch on your CPC."
We will likely phase out any Pushnpop links from the site in the next few days.
A more personal sidenote is in order here, on the vital importance of mirrors and backup. No one site is ever entirely secure, and data loss can always occur. As demoscene researchers, we see lost productions every day, and we make it our passion to retrieve and preserve everything we can from our rich digital heritage of the demoscene. The same is true of demoscene sites, where many are lost in the aeons of time - and even though snapshots can sometimes be found on the Wayback Machine, that is most effective against static sites and not so much for database-driven sites. So this is a call-out to site owners and production makers everywhere - get your backups sorted out, and upload everything else to scene.org.
Be safe.
Most of the stuff of last weekends STNICCC is now ready for download:
Those oldskoolers up in Gothenburg are timely dudes, and already uploaded the files and results from this weekend's festivities.
Without further ado, we'll let you get to it;
Finland is beating Australia pretty well in the "getting stuff out to people" stakes - here are the files and results from last night's FAP already! Enjooooy! :)