Outline 2016 files are now on scene.org

08 May 2016

What the title says - files from the compos at Outline are now available on scene.org! We'll apparently need to wait a teeny tiny while longer for the official results FILE - but the actual standings and scores are being added to Demozoo as we speak. Have a continued great sunday :)

Outline on scene.org
Outline on Demozoo

Outline 2016 - we'll keep you covered!

06 May 2016

It's Outline weekend!

Outline typically does not have internet, and does not stream compos. However, we are present , and - mobile data permitting - we'll try to update compos in real time!

Outline 2016 on Demozoo

Multimatograf 2016 results are in!

03 May 2016

The complete results from Multimatograf 2016 are now available - featuring a number of interesting productions, including invitations for DiHalt 2016 and De:Coded 2016.

Multimatograf on Demozoo

Outline launches website

04 Apr 2016

Our friends who organize the Outline demoparty in The Netherlands just launched their new website, where you can read all about the event and get your tickets. Go check it out! :)

Outline Website

Revision: Graphics and Music files are out!

28 Mar 2016

The final batch of files are now available for download over at scene.org for your enjoyment. Go download some choons and watch som pictures!

Revision 2016 on Demozoo
Revision 2016 on scene.org

Revision: Files for Amiga Demo, Oldskool 4K, PC 8K and PC Demo are out!

28 Mar 2016

Files for the final non-anonymized categories are now available over at scene.org - go get'em! The rest of the anonymized entries (graphics and music) will be available some time after the voting deadline ends.

Revision 2016 on Demozoo
Revision 2016 on scene.org

Revision: Wild and Game files are out!

27 Mar 2016

Two more categories of files have been released, and are now on scene.org. Go grab!

Revision 2016 on Demozoo
Revision 2016 on scene.org

Revision: Oldskool and 64K files now available!

27 Mar 2016

That heading should be self-explanatory enough. Files from those two competitions are now on scene.org. More to come! :)

Revision 2016 on Demozoo
Revision 2016 on scene.org

Files from The Gathering available!

27 Mar 2016

Not everything is going on in Germany, there are a few brave men and women still making sure The Gathering has a demoscene presence too. Competitions were last night, and now the files are available. We're told by people in the know, that full results will arrive tomorrow.

The Gathering 2016 on Demozoo
The Gathering 2016 on scene.org

First batch of files from Revision are now available!

27 Mar 2016

What it says on the tin. How about them intros, eh!? This admin will now get some sleep.

Revision 2016 on Demozoo
Revision 2016 on scene.org