
Genesis Project Copy Party 1992

  • 25th April 1992
  • Neubrück, Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

This party was held in a small German village called Neubrück near Düsseldorff for the c64 and Amiga scenes. About 50 C64's, and about 20 Amiga machines were present. The report in Pirates claimed the party had 40-50 visitors. The entrance fee was 10 DM. Sleeping quarters were outside, in a tent. There were only competitions for the c64, and there were to be a demo, sound and crack competition. The demo competition was cancelled, but the sound competition was won by Steel/Success, who won a Gameboy! The cracking competition was either a success or a failure, depending on how you look at it - organizers had taken the old game Logical, and added a new protection they'd made themselves, and that none of the competitors were successful in cracking.

Party reports in Cracker Journal 28 (may 1992), Pirates #13 (july 1992) and Milestone 7/8-1992 (july 1992). Some Information from Majesty/Talent's party report file (c64).

Last edited on 3 May 2024 by menace. See all edits