
Vintage Computing Carinthia $06

Party report (written by Wil on 24 March 2020):

In February 2020, when we agreed on the date for VCC $06, self-isolation and teleworking was not a topic. The Coronavirus was a Chinese thing, with Italy being a little affected. Then things changed… exponentially! By March 15 it was clear that our meeting would not take place since government restrictions disallowed gatherings. So we decided to go for a virtual party.
While it was a pity that we could not meet in person, the telecommunication mode had an advantage: it allowed people from other regions to easily join. Since we were not yet sure if we would manage the online meeting well, we did not make this first online meeting very public, but we had guests from Vienna and Graz joining the event, making 8 people in total (we are a small group).
The meeting lasted for a bit more than two hours and was a big success! We had retro hardware presented (an Alice 90 and a Mupid) and had nice discussions about our usual topics, i.e. all kinds of Commodore and other retro computers. And Logiker showed us once again his skills in PETSCII and 10-Liners in BASIC. A nice special was a music quiz, where Neyvivi played a piece on the piano for others to guess the related game. Löwe guessed it correctly, it was the characteristic “Stones” from the Ultima series.

Last edited on 21 Apr 2021 by 100bit. See all edits