Distance 1999 - Results

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----------------------> PC Demo
 1.  (09) Powertrip by Kamelite                                          (34)
 2.  (03) Autoseks by Replay                                             (32)
 3.  (06) Yotta by Kamelite                                              (26)
 4.  (08) Halleluja by System-X32                                        (16)
 5.  (04) Cyborg by Imbecill                                             (15)
 6.  (02) Vaffelrøre by Rectum Cauda                                     (12)
 7.  (01) 1999 by Equah Uba                                              ( 9)
 8.  (05) Uzi 4 - Lost in the jungle (trailer editon) by Extreme Command ( 8)
 9.  (07) Jolly Gentlemen - Disko Version by Therapii                    ( 5)
10.  (10) Decoy - The bird is ...... by System-X32                       ( 2)

----------------------> Hardware Accelerated Demo
 1.  (01) Inseks by Replay                                               (XX)

----------------------> Amiga Demo
 1.  (01) Distortion by Spaceballs                                       (XX)

----------------------> PC/Amiga 64K
 1.  (03) Too Much Haschish 4 by Hostile Bitches                         (53)
 2.  (01) Melange by Kibosh                                              (40)
 3.  (02) Mentilation by System-X32                                      (36)

----------------------> Amiga 4K
 1.  (02) Big! by Loaderror/Ephidrena & Frequent/Ephidrena               (72)
 2.  (01) Kkkk by Zeeball/Apathy                                         (42)

----------------------> Hi-Quality
 1.  (02) Are2000 by Sombie/Tazadum                                      (39)
 2.  (01) Aggression by ZapX32/System-X32                                (27)
     (04) Torn by Tecno 1000                                             (27)
 4.  (03) Finally by Dexter                                              (20)

----------------------> Multichannel
 1.  (01) Grosvold by Theo/Equah Uba^Proxima                             (33)
 2.  (02) Error 303 by Cherox/Kvark & Dent/Nocturnal                     (30)
 3.  (07) Risikovogna by Loaderror/Ephidrena                             (27)
 4.  (06) Natural Euphoria by Frequent/Ephidrena                         (21)
 5.  (04) Compo Noise by Duck-hunter/Spaceballs                          ( 9)
 6.  (03) Mountains Of Norway by Dexter                                  ( 8)
 7.  (05) Trygve by Olbaid/Vandaler Uten Skrupler                        ( 6)

----------------------> 4 Channel
 1.  (02) Lobster Attack by Duck-hunter/Spaceballs                       (55)
 2.  (01) Skivebom by Frequent/Ephidrena                                 (53)

----------------------> Pixeled Graphics
 1.  (01) Kurt by Baloo/Replay                                           (58)
 2.  (04) Kusma by Cpix/TRSI                                             (33)
 3.  (02) Rampungen by Hesse/Nylon                                       (32)
 4.  (03) Phsyco by Tuna/Nylon                                           (15)

----------------------> Raytraced Graphics
 1.  (03) Spaceship by Merge/Starkweather                                (51)
 2.  (01) The Room by The Evil Kalkulator/Rectum Cauda                   (46)
 3.  (02) Big Brothers Death Angel by Shagma/Future Bytes                (40)

----------------------> Fast Intro
 1.  (01) Da Evil Waschtmeister by Imbecill                              (XX)

----------------------> Fast Music
 1.  (02) Fastmusic by ZapX32/System-X32                                 (XX)