Ledgers Magazine Issue 13 Intro

by Priests Of Pleasure


Last edited on 8 Oct 2022 by ltk_tscc. See all edits

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mOdmate - 18:34 29 October 2018 #


WELCOME to the Ledgers Disk Magazine Volume 13 ! .. This magazine is shareware, please be honest ! This intro has been written by DODO of ^ and you will find the Turbo Assembler source on the disk . ........Yo! dodo the lazy bastard here - WELCOME TO DODO'S VERTICAL RASTER DEMO........................Its the summer hols, yeah! no more Uni until october, thus I have decided to code a few demos........This is number 1 - A vertical rasters demo Someday Ill make it interactive but for now, This will do...................About me, Im the newest member of ^ - Priests of pleasure, what a name......................Ive just completed my 1st year eleceng at heriot watt and spend most of my time playing muds in the terminal room......... for some reason the computer services people dont approve ............ but fuck them........... When I'm not playing muds Im either playing with my ST or getting pissed.............or a combination of the two! .......... Thats all I can think of for now so back to the demo............. History: Idea - June 92 Started coding: 13-7-92 optimised to fuck: 15-7-92 Added scroller: 16-7-92 (Finished off): 17-7-92 New font,etc: 18-8-92 .................. Credits: Code by [][] (GFX) by \\ Music by TAO of ACF Font ripped from aenegmatica, Touched up, etc by [][] Idea supplied by The highlander - I'll admit it, Vertical rasters with trackermusic is impossible on my FM -SOB- Written using turbo assembler, GFA Basic for Sinetables AND A Casio Grafix calculator Well thats all I have to say except for.............. The greetings............... Hi to: other members of ^, Highlander,Douglas,etc of tpt, The Equaliser,Mat,etc of UNT, Trantor, Falcon, dh108, dh124, Aardy, lexicon, missionary, lamanga and all other Monochrome Addicts........... etc,etc I hate scrolltexts......................Lets wrap.................. ... ... .. .. . . . . . . .