Not Dead

by Datasoft



  • Agent-X - Music
  • LA Esq - Music (Conversion of Turn on, tune in, freak out)

Last edited on 12 Mar 2015 by Breezer. See all edits


Breezer - 03:13 12 March 2015 #

"Prism PD" software library called the music from this "quirky". The Datasoft behind this (me, later known as Breezer) is not the same Datasoft who wrote games commercially for the Spectrum. I was ~16years old when I made this, my first piece of released software outside my house (I'd written a spreadsheet with formula-capability in Spectrum BASIC a few years before that).

Released independently; I was only invited to join United Minds well after this was released.

Breezer - 03:48 12 March 2015 #

Oops ignore some of that comment - meant to be for my other demo. Was older than 16 here, and not my first release.