Nexus 8

by Loonies

Punqtured/Fnuque appeared as a guest artist.

PC remake of the Amiga Demo Nexus 7.


Last edited on 27 Aug 2023 by 100bit. See all edits


Punqtured - 20:38 2 April 2016 #

The text for the tag 'oidos' isn't entirely correct. Nexus 8 wasn't the first production to feature this new synth. Oidos was specifically made for the Nexus 8 intro, but the first production, that featured the synth, was the 4k intro 'Exit Strategy' by Poobrainque. Both intros were released at Revision 2016, but the 4k competition was on saturday and the 8k competition was sunday. In fact, the synth had a bug that caused the music to sound strange in 'Exit Strategy' so a quick fix was made, and Nexus 8 was shown in mono the next day to prevent the same issue. The idea for the synth was originally by revival / Fnuque.

menace - 06:13 3 April 2016 #

Thanks for the correction (and the trivia), Punqtured! Fixed now.