EFA Disk-Mag #3 (Sep 2020)

by the Elk

Last edited on 17 Nov 2020 by forgotten_grove. See all edits


forgotten_grove - 07:02 5 September 2020 #

Bear with me! Got a structure in place now and will be building on this in the October issue with some prettier sub-menus and some richer content.

Would welcome any letters to be published in future issues to the email addy listed in the mag - subject general ST, public domain, computer art and music, music, art, you get the idea <3

Would welcome your artwork in PI2 format too!

AtariCrypt - 10:04 5 September 2020 #

This is now the start of it imho. More content from the next issue will be great to see when built on top of this maggie. Hope you get lots of little ST Helpers!