Edit history for Tofu and the Gum by epoqe

2024-11-29 15:40:00 psenough Set platform to Linux
2023-12-31 18:54:28 gasman Set type to 4K Intro
2023-10-03 11:53:50 NinjaKoala Added credit for Smeik on Tofu and the Gum: Music
2023-10-03 11:53:22 NinjaKoala Added credit for Juvi on Tofu and the Gum: Code, Graphics
2023-08-22 02:20:17 psenough Added screenshot
2023-08-22 02:20:02 psenough Added links: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=94923, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSTEXgWUQGM
2023-08-20 20:25:37 Quarryman Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2023/ontrack23/newschool_intro/2023_08_17_17_38_31_tofu_and_the_gum.zip
2023-08-20 20:25:32 Quarryman Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2023/ontrack23/newschool_intro/tofu_and_the_gum.zip
2023-08-20 07:16:25 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Tofu and the Gum in on track Newschool Intro competition
2023-08-20 07:16:21 vitalkanev Updated competition placing info for Tofu and the Gum in on track Newschool Intro competition
2023-08-20 07:16:18 vitalkanev Added competition placing for Tofu and the Gum in on track Newschool Intro competition