Edit history for Silly Venture 2024SE - Atari Jaguar invitro by Grey and Krystone and Mindthreat and Vasyl

2025-02-17 19:31:49 Krystone Added tag 'invitation'
2025-02-17 19:31:36 Krystone Added tag 'ai-generated-audio'
2025-02-17 19:31:28 Krystone Added tag 'atari-jaguar'
2025-02-17 19:31:24 Krystone Added tag 'jaguar'
2025-01-09 16:42:39 Krystone Set author to 'Grey + Krystone + Mindthreat + Vasyl'
2024-01-25 07:24:42 Axi0maT Updated competition placing info for Silly Venture 2024SE - Atari Jaguar invitro in Silly Venture 2023WE Atari Jaguar Demo competition
2024-01-05 13:39:18 psenough Added download link https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2023/sillyventure23winter/jaguar_demo/sv24x.zip
2023-12-31 22:24:49 gasman Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=95662
2023-12-19 18:43:30 ltk_tscc Set release date to 9 December 2023
2023-12-19 18:43:09 ltk_tscc Set type to Invitation, platform to Atari Jaguar
2023-12-19 18:42:47 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for Silly Venture 2024SE - Atari Jaguar invitro in Silly Venture 2023WE Atari Jaguar Demo competition
2023-12-19 18:42:43 ltk_tscc Updated competition placing info for Silly Venture 2024SE - Atari Jaguar invitro in Silly Venture 2023WE Atari Jaguar Demo competition
2023-12-19 18:42:41 ltk_tscc Added competition placing for Silly Venture 2024SE - Atari Jaguar invitro in Silly Venture 2023WE Atari Jaguar Demo competition
2023-12-19 18:27:15 GreyMSB Set title to 'Silly Venture 2024SE - Atari Jaguar invitro'
2023-12-19 18:26:49 GreyMSB Added link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hB8vPqbnxg
2023-12-19 18:26:27 GreyMSB Added screenshot