Edit history for PacBall by Cryo and twi

2019-02-01 09:24:42 tomaes Added tag 'upx'
2019-02-01 09:24:39 tomaes Added tag 'opengl'
2019-02-01 09:21:15 tomaes Edited notes
2019-02-01 09:20:13 tomaes Edited notes
2019-02-01 09:19:07 tomaes Added 2 screenshots
2019-02-01 09:17:19 tomaes Added tag 'no-sound'
2019-02-01 09:17:16 tomaes Added tag 'pac-man'
2019-02-01 09:11:23 tomaes Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=16630
2014-03-06 10:24:43 ltk_tscc Set platform to Windows
2013-01-10 11:03:27 gasman Added download link http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/parties/2005/breakpoint05/96kgame/pacball.zip&fileinfo