Edit history for Zine 5 by Brainstorm

2025-02-20 06:10:27 menace Updated Orlando's credit on Zine 5: Other (editor), Text
2024-12-21 11:53:57 Amariga500ST Set type to Diskmag
2023-08-31 19:19:04 menace Added link http://ftp.amigascne.org/pub/amiga/Groups/B/Brainstorm/BRS-Zine05.dms
2021-11-08 10:59:34 menace Added credit for Shadow on Zine 5: Text (interviewed)
2021-01-07 14:36:36 menace Removed competition placing for Zine 5 in Alcatraz Pentcost Party 1990 Other competition
2019-09-30 09:43:15 menace Added link https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=19700
2016-03-19 09:34:13 SoLO Added 2 screenshots
2014-11-22 04:54:28 menace Edited notes
2014-02-12 08:26:50 menace Added tag 'Zine'
2014-02-09 02:34:55 dipswitch Added credit for Dr. Mabuse on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:33:37 dipswitch Added credit for Dr. Feel Good on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:30:39 dipswitch Added credit for Irata on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:27:52 dipswitch Updated Chester's credit on Zine 5: Other (Interviewer), Other (Articles), Graphics
2014-02-09 02:26:50 dipswitch Added credit for Thomas Landsburg on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:25:45 dipswitch Added credit for Wizler on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:24:46 dipswitch Added credit for Whiteheat on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:24:24 dipswitch Added credit for Condorman on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:23:04 dipswitch Added credit for Scattergold on Zine 5: Other (Interviewer)
2014-02-09 02:21:28 dipswitch Added credit for Mike on Zine 5: Other (Interviewed)
2014-02-09 02:17:39 dipswitch Added credit for Predi on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:13:01 dipswitch Added credit for Manix on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:09:56 dipswitch Added credit for Com on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:09:44 dipswitch Added credit for Truxion on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:09:34 dipswitch Added credit for Majestic on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:08:16 dipswitch Added credit for Big Al on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:07:47 dipswitch Updated Chester's credit on Zine 5: Other (Articles), Graphics
2014-02-09 02:06:56 dipswitch Added credit for Bleris on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:05:39 dipswitch Added credit for Tron on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 02:03:11 dipswitch Added credit for Mogwai on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2014-02-09 01:59:27 dipswitch Added credit for Microchip on Zine 5: Other (Articles)
2012-12-20 09:43:29 menace Added competition placing for Zine 5 in Alcatraz Pentcost Party 1990 Other competition
2012-12-20 09:41:53 menace Added credit for Orlando on Zine 5: Other (editor)
2012-12-20 09:41:20 menace Edited soundtrack details for Zine 5
2012-12-20 09:40:19 menace Added credit for Grubi on Zine 5: Music
2012-12-20 09:39:00 menace Added credit for Oli on Zine 5: Graphics
2012-12-20 09:37:50 menace Added credit for Chester on Zine 5: Graphics
2012-12-20 09:37:10 menace Edited notes
2012-12-20 09:34:11 menace Added credit for The Accused on Zine 5: Code
2012-12-20 09:33:15 menace Added production 'Zine 5'