Edit history for Execute Overdrive by Smash Designs

2024-06-03 13:48:17 menace Added links: ftp://ftp.scs-trc.net/pub/c64/Demos/pal/s/Smash_Designs/Execute_Overdrive.zip, https://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/4849/smash_designs-execute_overdrive.zip, https://c64.ch/demos/download.php?id=3954
2022-08-28 09:20:40 ericorsio Edited soundtrack details for Execute Overdrive
2022-08-28 09:19:21 ericorsio Edited soundtrack details for Execute Overdrive
2018-10-07 20:53:12 gasman Added Pouet link to ID 15090
2017-07-16 19:33:37 helper Added links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0J4-gsZwS0, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zblfvZZV6aI
2014-02-03 18:24:54 tomaes Added tag 'mirrors'
2014-02-03 18:24:02 tomaes Added tag 'lightning'
2014-02-02 15:44:10 tomaes Added credit for PVCF on Execute Overdrive: Music
2014-02-02 15:44:01 tomaes Added credit for Sonic on Execute Overdrive: Music
2014-02-02 15:43:46 tomaes Added credit for AEG on Execute Overdrive: Code, Graphics
2014-02-02 15:43:18 tomaes Added link http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=16123
2014-02-02 14:55:04 tomaes Added 16 screenshots
2014-02-02 14:31:37 tomaes Set title to 'Execute Overdrive', author to 'Smash Designs'
2013-10-01 21:08:32 menace Added download link http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/parties/2004/tum04/c64/demo/exe_over_sds.zip&fileinfo
2013-03-07 13:12:59 menace Updated competition placing info for Execute in The Ultimate Meeting 2004 C64 Demo competition
2013-03-07 13:12:53 menace Added competition placing for Execute in The Ultimate Meeting 2004 C64 Demo competition