An application generator was used to apply e.g. as a member for a group (coder/musician etc). The program lets fill you out a form gathering a few informations and then generates a text file that usually had to be sent to a member of the group on a BBS. Basically the same as a requester but with a different subject.
Order by: Release date | Title
Chemical Youth and Eternity | 1993 | |
Eternity | 1993 | |
Corruption Staff | 1993 | |
Creators of Intense Art | 1993 | |
Graphics Rendered in Magnificence | Aug 1992 | |
Razor 1911 | Jan 1992 | |
Artists Without Loyality | Oct 1991 | |
Insane Creators Enterprise | Sep 1991 | |
North Eastern Crackers | 1991 | |