Masters of the Universe: Super Adventure, also known as Masters of the Universe in Terraquake, is an interactive fiction video game developed by Adventure Soft and published by U.S. Gold in 1986. It was adapted for the BBC Micro, Commodore 64, and ZX Spectrum home computers. More information on Wikipedia.
Order by: Release date | Title | Date added
Union KByte / The Austrian Union 1881 | Feb 1987 | |
Hotline | Feb 1987 | |
The Technocrats | Feb 1987 | |
West Coast Crackers | Feb 1987 | |
Terminal Intelligence Agency | Feb 1987 | |
Papillons | Feb 1987 | |
Triad | Feb 1987 | |
Popeye | Feb 1987 | |
Yeti Factories | Feb 1987 |