Edit history for Captain Ramius / TSAN

2024-12-22 23:06:49 ipggi Edited notes
2024-12-22 23:03:57 ipggi Added credit for Captain Ramius on Bad News #9 (nsfw): Other (Interviewee)
2024-12-22 23:03:29 ipggi Edited nick 'Captain Ramius': changed aliases to 'Capt. Ramius'
2024-12-20 00:43:01 ipggi Added Captain Ramius as a member of The SysOp Association Network
2022-09-26 04:49:47 menace Edited notes
2022-09-26 04:49:36 menace Set location to Walnut Creek, Contra Costa County, California, United States
2022-09-26 04:42:28 menace Added Captain Ramius as staff member of The Red October