
The SysOp Association Network

- TSAN, The SysOps Association Network

From Vette doc (October 1989, VETTEDOC.ZIP):
"Before I forget, TSAN wants to expand. We have a goal set to have 100 TSAN BBS's across the US and Canada or wherever else by the end of August. If you have a board that's been up for at least 6 months and is open 24 hours/7 days a week, then you may have already qualified. TSAN protects sysops from "unwanted" users ie leeches, feds, trouble makers, hackers, etc. from continent to continent. If interested in joining or for more information, call The Junkyard BBS at 516-932-7394 and tell Junkman (sysop) that I sent you for verification, or e-mail me. We are a non-profit organization (hehehe!), so in other words, there's no fee whatsoever."


BBS affiliations

Productions (2)

MS-Dos - BBStro
The SysOp Association Network 1992
MS-Dos - Diskmag
The SysOp Association Network Nov 1991

Last edited on 6 Jul 2024 by menace. See all edits