
Dr. Dick

Location: Pielavesi, Ylä-Savo, Northern Savo, Finland

Dr. Dick left Scratchers for Securitate, then moved on to Byterapers. He was a c64 and Amiga coder.

Swapping advert in Scene Talk 7 (1994).

Organiser of

Productions (4)

Commodore 64 - Tool
Dr. Dick Jan 2020
Extremes - Code (additional)
Commodore 64 - Demo
Byterapers Inc. Aug 1995
Commodore 64 - Graphics
Dr. Dick / Byterapers Inc. Aug 1995
Wired Art - Graphics
Commodore 64 - Slideshow
Byterapers Dec 1994

Last edited on 27 May 2024 by codise. See all edits