

Location: Bournemouth, England, United Kingdom

Hydra was a coder and tool cracker.

In the text file enclosed with UpdateNewIcon V1.0, Hydra mentions "Alias Hydra^cP! ex LSD and dAT (CRoSS POiNT is my new scene group as of March 1998!)"


Productions (5)

Amiga OCS/ECS - Tool
Crosspoint Jul 1998
AFCopy V4.0 - Code
Amiga OCS/ECS - Tool
Tension Oct 1994
Amiga OCS/ECS - Tool
Hydra / LSD ^ Perspex ^ Radiance 1994
Amiga OCS/ECS - Tool
Hydra / LSD ^ Perspex ^ Radiance 1994
Amiga OCS/ECS - Tool
Hydra / LSD ^ Perspex ^ Radiance 1993

Last edited on 24 Jul 2023 by dipswitch. See all edits