Edit history for noby / EMP ^ Epoch ^ Macau Exports ^ PBR ^ REN

2024-09-24 18:59:27 dm Added credit for noby on cosmos: Code (shader)
2024-09-24 18:43:57 dm Added credit for noby on Cosmos: Code (shader)
2024-06-15 21:32:50 Brittle Added credit for noby on Emotion Engine: Music
2024-01-01 16:34:48 psenough Added credit for noby on Runaway Reindeer: Music
2023-04-10 13:38:34 menace Added credit for noby on Mentally: Code, Graphics (visuals)
2023-03-24 14:15:04 Brittle Added nick 'Wardeness'
2021-08-14 22:02:59 Brittle Added credit for noby on Zero Percent: Music
2021-04-04 15:25:30 100bit Added credit for noby on Autumn Years: Code, Graphics
2020-09-08 12:33:12 vitalkanev Added link https://modarchive.org/member.php?80287
2020-06-05 22:07:43 100bit Added credit for noby on From The Seas To The Stars: Music
2020-04-12 16:07:04 yx Added nick 'Beople'
2020-04-11 22:19:11 Brittle Added credit for noby on Wackelkontakt: Code, Music
2020-04-08 16:47:39 noby Deleted link https://www.youtube.com/user/badbandwidth
2020-01-30 20:39:56 100bit Added credit for noby on Engine: Code, Graphics (Design), Music, Other (Direction)
2020-01-30 04:45:08 100bit Added credit for noby on Panjim: Music
2020-01-30 04:43:56 100bit Added credit for noby on Dyskns: Music
2020-01-02 14:26:30 100bit Added link https://scenestream.net/demovibes/artist/5520/
2019-08-17 23:45:40 Brittle Added credit for noby on Alexa's Wet Dream: Music
2019-08-10 16:47:21 100bit Added credit for noby on NYSNC: Music
2019-08-04 11:58:02 100bit Added credit for noby on Terrarium: Graphics (additional design), Music
2019-07-20 00:18:51 Saga_Musix Added credit for noby on So Desu Ne (そうですね): Music
2019-06-15 12:03:18 exocet Added credit for noby on Esko: Code, Graphics, Music
2019-05-04 23:04:01 Brittle Updated Prime Bings's credit on Devour: Code, Graphics
2019-04-26 22:25:50 100bit Added credit for noby on Devour: Code, Graphics
2019-04-22 23:33:41 yx Added nick 'Prime Bings'
2019-04-21 04:10:08 Brittle Added credit for noby on IIII / IV: Music
2019-04-20 23:05:57 cpdt Added credit for noby on Atlas: Music, Other (Editing)
2019-04-08 04:21:16 menace Added credit for noby on Hypatia: Music
2019-03-07 07:06:39 MuffinHop Added credit for noby on 18756.2048D: Music
2019-02-08 14:05:39 tomaes Added credit for noby on Hetoxoteh: Music
2019-01-11 08:23:31 Brittle Updated noby's membership of TarhaTarha: changed member to noby, set as ex-member
2018-12-15 09:18:28 menace Added link https://github.com/armak
2018-11-26 18:26:30 100bit Added credit for noby on Bad Syndrome: Graphics (+design), Music
2018-10-21 14:10:48 Brittle Added credit for noby on trashpanda: Music
2018-08-19 14:12:15 100bit Added credit for noby on Guardian: Music
2018-08-14 07:16:41 MuffinHop Deleted noby's credit on Housed
2018-08-04 18:37:05 Brittle Added credit for Sane Tracer on Final Territory: Code, Graphics, Music
2018-08-04 18:36:39 Brittle Added nick 'Sane Tracer'
2018-08-03 20:48:02 Brittle Added credit for noby on Housed: Other (creative assist)
2018-05-29 15:01:16 Brittle Added credit for noby on Epoch (For The Masses): Code (additional), Graphics (graphics, visuals), Other (direction)
2018-05-27 00:16:16 Brittle Added credit for noby on Neotokyo: Graphics
2018-05-19 21:06:44 menace Added links: http://www.slengpung.com/?userid=5986, http://noby.untergrund.net/
2018-04-21 02:15:32 noby Added noby as a member of Macau Exports
2018-04-02 16:33:55 SunSpire Added credit for noby on The Colours And Lights of the North: Music
2018-04-01 10:19:44 menace Updated Yuuri's credit on Zetsubo: Code, Graphics (visuals), Music
2018-04-01 01:28:02 FlashyLamer Added credit for Yuuri on Zetsubo: Code, Graphics (Visuals), Music
2018-04-01 01:26:33 FlashyLamer Added nick 'Yuuri'
2018-04-01 00:06:29 menace Added credit for noby on Oscar's Chair: Music
2017-12-29 22:09:16 FlashyLamer Updated noby's credit on Plexus None: Music, Code (framework), Other (tweaking, support)
2017-12-28 21:29:43 menace Added credit for noby on Alive Here Now, Forever: Music
2017-10-07 17:48:36 visy Added credit for noby on Quadtripophobia: Music
2017-10-07 02:29:23 FlashyLamer Updated Lily's credit on Takoyaki Ni Naru (たこやき に なる): Graphics, Code
2017-10-07 02:27:02 FlashyLamer Added credit for Lily on Takoyaki Ni Naru (たこやき に なる): Graphics
2017-10-07 02:26:25 FlashyLamer Added nick 'Lily'
2017-10-01 11:36:37 menace Added credit for Adam's Angel on Waillee: Code, Graphics, Music
2017-10-01 11:33:38 menace Added credit for noby on Back to the Roots: Music (instruments)
2017-10-01 01:20:36 FlashyLamer Updated noby's credit on Emus In The Zone: Code, Graphics, Music
2017-09-30 23:22:00 FlashyLamer Added credit for noby on Dropletia: Code (Optimization), Music
2017-09-30 23:21:23 FlashyLamer Added nick 'Adam's Angel'
2017-08-30 14:30:58 FlashyLamer Added credit for noby on Game of Ukkels: Japan Kaiki: Music
2017-08-21 01:32:34 dipswitch Added noby as a member of Empathy
2017-08-20 08:56:23 menace Added credit for noby on Plexus None: Code (famework), Music, Other (tweaking, support)
2017-08-15 13:27:49 100bit Updated noby's credit on Escalated: Music (Additional help)
2017-08-15 13:27:26 100bit Added credit for noby on Escalated: Music
2017-08-07 23:57:04 noby Updated noby's credit on Extra: Graphics (visuals, design), Music (mixing), Other (direction)
2017-08-07 15:29:42 tomaes Added credit for noby on Extra: Graphics (visuals, design), Other (direction)
2017-08-05 21:20:37 menace Removed noby as a member of Epoch
2017-07-03 01:34:38 PrincessLuna Added noby as a member of Epoch
2017-07-02 23:12:06 PrincessLuna Added credit for noby on Estrogen: Code, Graphics, Other
2017-06-29 09:14:03 tomaes Updated Alan Smithee's credit on Eraserhead: Code, Music (Ambience)
2017-05-26 20:02:39 100bit Added credit for Lord of Atlantis on Emus In The Zone: Code, Graphics, Music
2017-05-17 23:52:04 Saga_Musix Set real name
2017-04-17 07:29:55 FlashyLamer Updated Alan Smithee's credit on Eraserhead: Code, Music
2017-04-17 07:29:37 FlashyLamer Added nick 'Alan Smithee'
2017-04-17 07:29:00 FlashyLamer Updated Lord of Atlantis's credit on Whitespace: Code, Music (Arrangement)
2017-04-17 07:28:24 FlashyLamer Updated Lord of Atlantis's credit on Hydrokinetics: Music, Code, Graphics (Visuals)
2017-04-17 07:27:59 FlashyLamer Added nick 'Lord of Atlantis'
2017-04-16 09:57:19 menace Added credit for noby on Guberniya: Code (shader magic)
2017-04-16 09:28:45 menace Updated Klaus Strobo's credit on Absolute Territory: Code, Graphics (Visuals), Music
2017-04-16 09:28:20 menace Added nick 'Klaus Strobo'
2017-04-15 21:43:44 tomaes Added credit for noby on Eraserhead: Code, Music
2017-04-15 21:42:26 tomaes Added credit for noby on Absolute Territory: Code, Graphics (Visuals), Music
2017-04-15 21:41:19 tomaes Added credit for noby on Whitespace: Code, Music (Arrangement)
2017-04-15 21:40:02 tomaes Added credit for noby on Hydrokinetics: Code, Graphics (Visuals), Music
2017-04-15 21:38:51 tomaes Added noby as a member of Prismbeings
2017-02-21 14:02:33 FlashyLamer Added credit for noby on Emix: Code, Graphics (Design), Music, Other (Direction)
2017-01-29 11:54:46 exocet Added credit for noby on Burden: Code, Other
2017-01-18 07:45:35 menace Added credit for noby on Young Person's Guide To The Vimana: Code (framework), Music
2016-08-09 13:58:14 Brittle Added nick 'WINAPI-サーファー'
2016-08-09 13:57:49 Brittle Deleted nick 'WINAPI-サーファー '
2016-08-09 13:55:56 Brittle Added nick 'WINAPI-サーファー '
2016-05-24 12:29:28 supadupa Added credit for noby on 017571421: Music
2016-05-24 11:06:25 menace Added link http://twitter.com/nnnnoby
2016-05-23 09:35:09 sm Added credit for noby on Epoch: Code (technical lead)
2016-03-28 08:53:41 menace Updated noby's credit on Emulaatio: Simulaatio 7 Invitation: Code (additional), Music, Other (direction)
2016-03-28 08:53:15 menace Updated noby's credit on Emulaatio: Simulaatio 7 Invitation: Code (additional), Music
2016-03-28 08:53:07 menace Added credit for noby on Emulaatio: Simulaatio 7 Invitation: Code (additional)
2015-07-03 15:36:46 Saga_Musix Set real name
2015-05-23 21:41:47 menace Added credit for noby on Endo: Music, Other (main direction), Code (additional)
2015-05-23 20:09:43 menace Added credit for noby on Simulation: Music
2015-04-03 09:59:03 tomaes Updated noby's credit on Mangareva: Graphics (design), Music
2015-02-03 21:07:54 Branch Added credit for noby on Greifswald Reaction: Music, Graphics, Code
2014-12-22 20:26:17 noby Added noby as a member of Epoch
2014-08-06 23:21:03 RufUsul Updated noby's credit on Entropy: Music, Code, Other (Direction)
2014-08-06 23:19:40 RufUsul Added credit for noby on Entropy: Music, Code, Other (direction)
2014-04-27 20:43:48 cherri_kandler Added credit for noby on Gazer Unz: Music
2014-03-30 02:37:22 Branch Added credit for noby on Tuhkamaa: Music
2014-02-02 14:48:19 Branch Added credit for Bad Bandwidth on Tulevaisuuden Tutkimus Käytännössä: Music, Graphics, Other (video)
2013-12-29 08:01:56 Branch Added credit for noby on Birthdays Deaths and Compofillers: Music
2013-12-29 06:10:28 Branch Added credit for noby on MCMC: Music, Graphics (2D), Other (Design)
2013-12-29 06:06:07 Branch Added credit for noby on Bandits: Music
2013-12-29 05:14:36 Branch Added credit for noby on Visual Poem: Étude for javascript: Code
2013-12-29 04:47:06 Branch Added credit for Bad Bandwidth on Study 1: Applications Of Rectangular Depth: Music, Graphics, Other (Direction)
2013-10-21 09:39:56 menace Added link http://www.youtube.com/user/badbandwidth
2013-10-21 09:39:40 menace Added nick 'Bad Bandwidth'
2013-10-21 09:39:27 menace Set location to Finland
2013-10-21 09:39:19 menace Set location to Nakkila, Finland
2013-10-21 09:37:44 menace Added credit for noby on Staring Through: Music
2013-10-21 09:29:27 menace Updated visibility of real name
2013-10-21 09:24:22 menace Added credit for noby on Mangareva: Graphics (design), Music, Music (direction)
2013-08-03 22:31:02 menace Set real name
2013-08-03 22:30:27 menace Added noby as a member of The Royal Elite Ninjas Inc.
2013-05-30 12:21:10 gasman Added noby as a member of trtr