Edit history for Pink Floyd / TRIAD ^ TSAN

2025-01-21 00:25:17 ipggi Edited notes
2025-01-18 03:56:32 ipggi Deleted Pink Floyd's credit on Hype Magazine #2
2025-01-18 03:56:14 ipggi Added credit for Pink Floyd on Hype Magazine #2: Music
2024-12-22 06:57:58 ipggi Added credit for Pink Floyd on Tri X-men Loader: Code (Crack), Text
2024-12-19 22:19:55 ipggi Added Pink Floyd as a member of The SysOp Association Network
2023-01-05 07:12:14 ipggi Added Pink Floyd as staff member of Deicide
2022-05-09 11:07:30 ipggi Added Pink Floyd as a member of Triad
2021-07-22 07:12:14 menace Edited notes
2021-06-08 15:43:13 menace Added Pink Floyd as staff member of The Wall (716)
2020-02-26 21:00:48 menace Edited notes
2020-02-26 21:00:36 menace Added nick 'Pink Panther'
2018-06-12 04:00:29 menace Set location to New York, United States
2018-06-12 04:00:15 menace Edited notes
2018-06-12 03:59:05 menace Added scener 'Pink Floyd'