

2024-02-19 20:08:45 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/group/?id=1435 (link)
2024-02-19 20:08:33 Unlock Added Keoma as a member of Dynamic Projects (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:08:08 Unlock Added nick 'Mr.Zero' (link)
2024-02-19 20:07:19 Unlock Added Keoma as a member of Warriors of the Wasteland (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:07:08 Unlock Set location to Austria (link)
2024-02-19 20:07:05 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=4342 (link)
2024-02-19 20:06:14 Unlock Added credit for Keoma on Wasted Lands: Other (Help) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:05:47 Unlock Added The City Cobra as a member of T'Pau (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:05:40 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=17103 (link)
2024-02-19 20:05:36 Unlock Set location to Germany (link)
2024-02-19 20:05:29 Unlock Added credit for The City Cobra on Wasted Lands: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:05:12 Unlock Added credit for Profi on Wasted Lands: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:04:57 Unlock Added credit for Mr. Spock on Wasted Lands: Graphics, Graphics (Charset), Other (Concept) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:04:35 Unlock Added credit for Avalanche on Wasted Lands: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:04:23 Unlock Added credit for Phantom on Wasted Lands: Code, Music, Other (Concept) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:03:58 Unlock Added credit for Exa on Wasted Lands: Code, Graphics, Graphics (Charset), Other (Concept), Other (Loader) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:03:28 Unlock Added credit for Dillo on Wasted Lands: Code, Other (Concept), Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:02:54 Unlock Added link http://csdb.dk/getinternalfile.php/43831/Wasted_Lands.d64 (link)
2024-02-19 20:00:43 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=16609 (link)
2024-02-19 20:00:36 Unlock Added Profi as a member of T'Pau (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 20:00:27 Unlock Set location to Austria (link)
2024-02-19 20:00:20 Unlock Added credit for Profi on More Than Meets the Eye: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:59:53 Unlock Added credit for Mr. Spock on More Than Meets the Eye: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:59:37 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=16614 (link)
2024-02-19 19:59:30 Unlock Updated Hurricane's membership of T'Pau: set as ex-member (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:59:26 Unlock Added Hurricane as a member of T'Pau (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:59:20 Unlock Set location to Switzerland (link)
2024-02-19 19:59:13 Unlock Added credit for Hurricane on More Than Meets the Eye: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:57:09 Unlock Added credit for Frib on More Than Meets the Eye: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:56:49 Unlock Added credit for Alex on More Than Meets the Eye: Graphics (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:55:55 Unlock Added link https://csdb.dk/group/?id=8888 (link)
2024-02-19 19:55:32 Unlock Added Alex as a member of Style (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:53:50 Unlock Updated Alex's membership of Army: set as ex-member (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:53:38 Unlock Added Alex as a member of Army (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:52:58 Unlock Added Alex as a member of T'Pau (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:52:17 Unlock Added credit for Phantom on More Than Meets the Eye: Code, Music (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:51:36 Unlock Updated Jeroen Koops's membership of T'Pau: changed member to Jeroen Koops (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:51:04 Unlock Set location to Netherlands (link)
2024-02-19 19:50:34 Unlock Updated Jeroen Koops's membership of T'Pau: changed member to Jeroen Koops (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:49:57 Unlock Updated Phantom's membership of T'Pau: changed member to Phantom (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:48:04 Unlock Updated Joker's credit on More Than Meets the Eye: Code, Graphics (Charset), Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:48:03 Unlock Updated Joker's credit on More Than Meets the Eye: Code, Graphics (Charset), Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:47:48 Unlock Added credit for Joker on More Than Meets the Eye: Code (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:44:56 Unlock Added credit for Dillo on More Than Meets the Eye: Code, Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:44:34 Unlock Added credit for Avalanche on More Than Meets the Eye: Code, Graphics, Graphics (Charset) (link) (link2)
2024-02-19 19:43:55 Unlock Added link http://www.c64.ch/demos/download.php?id=2296 (link)
2024-02-19 19:42:54 Unlock Added link https://ftp.modland.com/pub/modules/HVSC/MUSICIANS/B/Beat_Machine/Xayne/Naughty_Times.sid (link)
2024-02-19 19:42:24 Unlock Set release date to 1990, platform to Commodore 64 (link)
2024-02-19 19:39:04 Unlock Added tag 'pal' (link)
2024-02-19 19:38:57 Unlock Added link https://hvsc.csdb.dk/MUSICIANS/B/Beat_Machine/Xayne/Naughty_Times.sid (link)