

2014-01-02 14:28:08 Unlock Added credit for Unlock on Finest Swiss Cheese: Graphics (Video Editing), Other (Acting, Eating, Cooking) (link) (link2)
2014-01-02 14:27:48 Unlock Added credit for CCP on Finest Swiss Cheese: Other (Eating), Other (Cooking), Other (Acting), Graphics (Parts) (link) (link2)
2014-01-02 14:27:10 Unlock Added credit for Skyrunner on Finest Swiss Cheese: Music (Parts) (link) (link2)
2014-01-02 14:26:47 Unlock Set title to 'Finest Swiss Cheese' (link)
2014-01-02 14:26:34 Unlock Added production 'Finest Swiss Cheers' (link)
2014-01-02 14:24:08 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=58289 (link)
2014-01-02 14:23:52 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=58269 (link)
2014-01-02 14:22:56 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=8798 (link)
2014-01-02 14:22:34 Unlock Updated link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=8797 (link)
2014-01-02 14:22:20 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=40 (link)
2014-01-02 14:21:16 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=15114 (link)
2014-01-02 14:20:45 Unlock Added link https://www.scene.org/file.php?file=/demos/groups/vantage/chscene.zip&fileinfo (link)
2014-01-02 14:20:35 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=1841 (link)
2014-01-02 14:20:16 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=1900 (link)
2014-01-02 14:20:00 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2506 (link)
2014-01-02 14:19:33 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3842 (link)
2014-01-02 14:19:02 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=7279 (link)
2014-01-02 14:18:28 Unlock Deleted link http://www.buenz.li/files/buenzli12_mpg4_xvid.mpg (link)
2014-01-02 14:17:58 Unlock Added link http://www.buenz.li/files/buenzli12_mpg4_xvid.mpg (link)
2014-01-02 14:17:53 Unlock Deleted link http://www.buenz.li/files/buenzli12_mpg4_xvid.mpg (link)
2014-01-02 14:17:40 Unlock Added link http://www.buenz.li/files/buenzli12_mpg4_xvid.mpg (link)
2014-01-02 14:17:22 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=10598 (link)
2014-01-02 14:16:58 Unlock Added link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeWskixCkrU (link)
2014-01-02 14:16:37 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=13900 (link)
2014-01-02 14:15:41 Unlock Set author to 'Vantage + MFX' (link)
2014-01-02 14:15:26 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=16014 (link)
2014-01-02 14:14:59 Unlock Updated link http://demoscene.tv/page.php?id=172&vsmaction=view_prod&id_prod=13488 (link)
2014-01-02 14:13:00 Unlock Added link www.demoscene.tv/prod.php?id_prod=13488 (link)
2014-01-02 14:12:37 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=51309 (link)
2014-01-02 14:12:09 Unlock Added link http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=61802 (link)
2014-01-02 14:07:08 Unlock Added credit for Unlock on Toxic: Graphics (link) (link2)
2014-01-02 14:07:00 Unlock Added credit for Genox on Toxic: Music (link) (link2)
2014-01-02 14:06:47 Unlock Added credit for Killer on Toxic: Code (link) (link2)
2014-01-02 14:06:33 Unlock Added 2 screenshots (link)
2014-01-02 14:06:21 Unlock Added production 'Toxic' (link)
2014-01-02 13:58:30 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:58:00 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:57:50 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:57:38 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:57:20 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:56:59 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:56:28 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:55:34 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:54:03 Unlock Set type to Video (link)
2014-01-02 13:53:36 Unlock Added 6 screenshots (link)
2014-01-02 13:52:17 Unlock Set invitations to B.14, Three Cows Ahead (link)
2014-01-02 13:50:29 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:48:40 Unlock Added screenshot (link)
2014-01-02 13:46:14 Unlock Set platform to Windows (link)
2014-01-02 13:46:04 Unlock Set platform to Atari 8 bit (link)