

2024-07-17 10:30:52 100bit Set promoted in to Channel-X, Cosmic Spacehead +1, Frontier: Elite II German, Future Inferno, HeroQuest II One Level Playable Preview, Paid in Full, World Elite Board List October 1994, Phantom BBS (link)
2024-07-17 10:30:11 100bit Set promoted in to Chip Chop 1, Future Inferno, World Elite v1.0, Phantom BBS (link)
2024-07-17 10:28:21 100bit Set promoted in to Chip Chop 1, World Elite v1.0, Future Inferno (link)
2024-07-17 10:27:53 100bit Edited notes (link)
2024-07-17 10:27:33 100bit Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=51468 (link)
2024-07-17 10:27:25 100bit Updated Desire's affiliation with Phantom: changed role to HQ (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:25:56 100bit Removed Hans as staff member of Channel-X (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:25:27 100bit Updated Hans as staff member of Channel-X: changed staff member to Hans (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:25:14 100bit Added Tycoon as staff member of Channel-X (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:24:37 100bit Updated Desire's affiliation with Channel-X: changed role to WHQ (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:24:30 100bit Set promoted in to Channel-X, Cosmic Spacehead +1, Frontier: Elite II German, HeroQuest II One Level Playable Preview, Paid in Full, World Elite Board List October 1994, Future Inferno (link)
2024-07-17 10:24:09 100bit Added tag 'bbs-nonpublic' (link)
2024-07-17 10:24:07 100bit Removed tag 'bbs-' (link)
2024-07-17 10:24:06 100bit Added tag 'bbs-' (link)
2024-07-17 10:23:18 100bit Set promoted in to Future Inferno (link)
2024-07-17 10:23:04 100bit Added tag 'bbs-amiga' (link)
2024-07-17 10:22:57 100bit Updated Aragorn as staff member of Future Inferno: changed staff member to Aragorn (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:22:45 100bit Added Aragorn as staff member of Future Inferno (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:22:10 100bit Added Outlander as staff member of Future Inferno (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:22:03 100bit Added link http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/author.php?id=51469 (link)
2024-07-17 10:21:57 100bit Added BBS 'Future Inferno' (link)
2024-07-17 10:11:47 100bit Edited notes (link)
2024-07-17 10:11:02 100bit Added info file (link)
2024-07-17 10:09:38 100bit Added BBS Crossroads 2 Nowhere as HQ for Drift (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:09:12 100bit Edited notes (link)
2024-07-17 10:08:34 100bit Updated Drift's affiliation with Mutual Consent: changed role to HQ (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:08:16 100bit Added BBS Mutual Consent as WHQ for Drift (link) (link2)
2024-07-17 10:08:08 100bit Set location to Los Angeles County, California, United States (link)
2024-07-17 10:08:02 100bit Set location to Los Angeles (link)
2024-07-17 10:07:43 100bit Removed tag 'unknown-location' (link)
2024-07-17 10:06:59 100bit Added link https://defacto2.net/g/drift (link)
2024-07-17 10:06:03 100bit Added tag 'bbs-pc' (link)
2024-07-17 10:05:57 100bit Added link https://defacto2.net/g/thunder-dome-bbs (link)
2024-07-17 09:58:24 100bit Added link https://files.scene.org/view/resources/tools/dos/rem_multiviewer_v0.3a.zip (link)
2024-07-17 09:58:06 100bit Added link https://files.scene.org/view/resources/tools/dos/rem_application_generator2.zip (link)
2024-07-08 16:34:23 100bit Added link https://files.scene.org/view/resources/bbs/generation_x/gnx-pm12.zip (link)
2024-07-06 22:52:41 100bit Added tag 'commodore-basic-v2' (link)
2024-07-06 22:52:16 100bit Added link https://csdb.dk/release/?id=212004 (link)
2024-07-06 10:43:18 100bit Added tag '16-colors' (link)
2024-07-06 10:42:51 100bit Added info file (link)
2024-07-06 10:41:16 100bit Added tag 'pi1' (link)
2024-07-06 10:40:18 100bit Added tag '320x200' (link)
2024-07-06 10:39:52 100bit Added tag '16-colors' (link)
2024-07-05 10:47:46 100bit Added link https://defacto2.net/d/ad247da (link)
2024-07-05 10:47:38 100bit Added link https://defacto2.net/f/ad247da (link)
2024-07-05 10:43:35 100bit Added BBS The Playaz Club as Distsite for Scaring You Shitless (link) (link2)
2024-07-05 10:43:03 100bit Added BBS Future Realm II as Distsite for Scaring You Shitless (link) (link2)
2024-07-05 10:42:47 100bit Added Realm Master as staff member of Future Realm II (link) (link2)
2024-07-05 10:42:34 100bit Edited notes (link)
2024-07-05 10:42:18 100bit Added BBS 'Future Realm II' (link)