

2022-10-16 00:30:40 Brittle Updated Instructor's credit on song3: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:30:24 Brittle Set author to 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:29:59 Brittle Updated Instructor's credit on song4: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:29:47 Brittle Set author to 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:29:34 Brittle Updated Instructor's credit on song4.2: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:29:26 Brittle Set author to 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:29:17 Brittle Updated Instructor's credit on song5: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:29:06 Brittle Set author to 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:28:54 Brittle Updated Instructor's credit on song5.2: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:28:40 Brittle Set author to 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:28:30 Brittle Updated Instructor's credit on song9: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:28:23 Brittle Set author to 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:26:50 Brittle Added PowerTrace as a member of Mysterious Records (link) (link2)
2022-10-16 00:26:23 Brittle Added links:,, (link)
2022-10-16 00:25:03 Brittle Added nick 'Acro' (link)
2022-10-16 00:24:56 Brittle Added nick 'Instructor' (link)
2022-10-16 00:23:57 Brittle Added nick 'Mysterious' (link)
2022-10-16 00:21:22 Brittle Added nick 'Base 2 Base' (link)
2022-10-16 00:21:17 Brittle Added nick 'Noise of SID' (link)
2022-10-16 00:19:18 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-16 00:16:31 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-16 00:15:37 Brittle Set location to Suginami, Ishioka-shi, Ibaraki, Japan (link)
2022-10-15 16:39:35 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-15 16:39:06 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-15 16:38:16 Brittle Set location to Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, Capital Region, Iceland (link)
2022-10-15 16:37:48 Brittle Updated link (link)
2022-10-15 16:37:32 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-15 09:13:16 Brittle Edited notes (link)
2022-10-14 12:33:19 Brittle Set location to Serbia (link)
2022-10-14 12:32:00 Brittle Added tag 'buzz-tracker' (link)
2022-10-14 12:31:58 Brittle Removed tag 'buzz' (link)
2022-10-14 12:31:46 Brittle Added tag 'buzz' (link)
2022-10-14 12:31:44 Brittle Removed tag 'buzz-tracker' (link)
2022-10-14 12:31:31 Brittle Added tag 'buzz-tracker' (link)
2022-10-14 12:29:37 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-14 12:28:45 Brittle Added nick 'Riva' (link)
2022-10-14 12:28:41 Brittle Added nick 'Sindameoi' (link)
2022-10-14 12:28:33 Brittle Set location to Finland (link)
2022-10-13 18:54:33 Brittle Added nick 'Raccoon Fink' (link)
2022-10-11 11:07:06 Brittle Edited nick 'Revenge The Perse': changed abbreviation to 'RTP!' (link)
2022-10-11 11:04:41 Brittle Added Frodo as a member of Gzar (link) (link2)
2022-10-10 21:21:58 Brittle Added link (link)
2022-10-10 09:26:47 Brittle Deleted scener 'DALL-E'
2022-10-10 09:26:29 Brittle Set author to 'xavierign' (link)
2022-10-08 22:49:38 Brittle Updated Riddlemak's credit on Marine Melodies: Music (link) (link2)
2022-10-08 18:50:11 Brittle Deleted scener 'F7sus4'
2022-10-08 11:57:38 Brittle Set author to 'Shere Khan' (link)
2022-10-08 11:57:14 Brittle Set real name (link)
2022-10-08 11:56:57 Brittle Added Shere Khan as a member of Sapphire (link) (link2)
2022-10-08 11:56:47 Brittle Added links:, (link)